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In Due Respect, Diana

Years have passed us by
since our beloved Princess Diana
died so tragically ~

yet, in my heart
I still miss her loveliness
and her concern
for so many in need and despair ~

she took her own pain and suffering
and transformed the anguish into a cause
relating love and compassion and solace,
which she had not been given,
to people of all walks of life
all around the world ~

Oh, our warm-hearted Diana
took into her means
to find ways to help through charities
yet, more so, through meeting
and giving of herself personally
to many outcasts and needy;
such was her nature
and she also had known
what pain and misery were
in her own heart;
perhaps differently than those she touched
but it did not matter ~

Princess Diana touched the world
in honesty, humanity, and humor;
she was a light that brightly shone
through the darkness of the ancient castles
and into the streets
with ordinary people who loved her
and she loved them ~

May we respect her enough
to do the same towards each other;
reaching out in compassion and love
to those who are in need of a helping hand
or a heart to "listen" and care....
by Dolores Treadway
January 28th, 2001

Help Build Diana's Rose Garden

Go to this web site and see how you can help..
Please take the banner and link to it..

This Petition
Will go to
Tony Blair
We Want That Memorial Fountain
We Are Tired of Waiting.


--A Rainbow: Princess Diana--

As the night wore on
in Paris that night,
our beloved Princess Diana
never knew the fate
which would be upon her...

We have lost a rainbow of hope
who touched people's lives
in compassionate and sincere
ways ~
Princess Diana was a true humanitarian
who glimmered as starshine
within the dimmest of places
on the earth...

To even look at a photograph of her,
makes my heart swell ~
for she gave unconditional love
to those who were ill
and those who were in need
of encouragement and compassion...

My heart will always remember
Princess Diana as a merciful angel
going around the world
in search for the sick and downtrodden ~
she was a sincere woman who overcame
her own troubles
and using her vulnerability and sensitivity
to be gracious and true to others...

Let us remember the beauty
Princess Diana lit up through her heart
and awesome smile ~
She is one to be honored and missed
for the many lives she had touched
in various ways...

By Dolores A. Treadway
April 13th, 2000

Princess Diana’s Warmth and Wisdom

Your eyes so crystal blue
Your smile as warm and friendly
As the morning sunrise
Took hold of many hearts as you reached out
Stepped beyond the bounds of royal protocol
You will always be the People’s Princess
Because you came to the people in your fair England
And around the globe ~
Touching those who were stigmatized and alienated
Comforting those who were dying
Giving hope to those who needed encouragement and compassion
Yes, you were and, in our hearts,
Will always be the People’s Princess,
Dearest Diana
You brought life to a lifeless royal family
You showered love upon your sons
Showed them the outside world
Where people were not royal
Where people were suffering and in need ~
You planted the seed
In their hearts and may God lead them
To follow through with your work.
By Dolores A. Treadway
Written January 31, 2001

A verse which exemplifies the life and work of Princess Diana :

"Let my heart ever to be open
to the beauty
of others,
to the Sorrow
of others,
to the Need
of others,
to the Love
of others ...."
by Joan Walsh Anglund
taken from
"Memories of the Heart",
Random House, Copyright 1984

A poem in memory of a fair and loving Princess
~ Diana, Princess of Wales

Looking Back, Diana

Looking back on Princess Diana’s life,
I feel sadness and joy
For she embodied hope which came from suffering
Her moments of loneliness
Led her to a fulfillment of the gifts
Which God blessed her And
Those gifts included her unabashed and passionate fervor
To touch the lives of the people
To visit the sick and oppressed
Physically touch the outcasts of society
With her tender and compassionate spirit
Looking back on Princess Diana’s life
There are memories of her charming smile
Those bright, shining blue eyes
Which the world was dazzled by
The wit and vivacity which captured hearts
We all fell in love.

By Dolores Ann Treadway
Written February 20th, 2001

Princess Diana: A Light in a World of Darkness

The warmth and empathy
which exuded from her radiant smile
and sensitive, warm, vibrant eyes
touched the lives of so many
who were in need of sincere love and compassion...
She was more than just glamorous ~
Princess Diana was a beacon of light
blessing those in the darkened streets
and homeless shelters,
in hospice wards,
in the lives of those suffering with AIDS,
leprosy, and other traumatic illnesses...
Her life overflowed with grace and mercy ~
she worked to aid
all whom life had treated unfairly
and gave equal respect and concern
to those whom she touched and sympathized with...
by Dolores Ann Treadway
Copy right
February 26th, 2001

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
by Emily Dickinson
1830 - 1886

Angel of Compassion

Princess Diana was an exceptional woman
who conveyed love and encouragement,
in sincerity and warmth,
She transmitted a golden shine
from her intuitive nature
in responding and relating to
those who were suffering ~
she knew the misery of being rejected
from the painful moments in her own life ~
thus, her heart went out to
weary, ill, troubled people
and those who were scoffed by society....
Yes, Princess Diana was an angel of compassion
and warm friendliness
toward all those lives she touched.
By Dolores Ann Treadway
written March 12, 2001

Praise be to the God and Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ,
the Father of compassion,
and the God of all comfort,
who comforts us in all our troubles,
so that we can comfort those
in any trouble with the comfort
we ourselves have received from God.
For just as the suffering
of Christ flow over into our lives,
so also through Christ our comfort overflows."
2 Corinthians 1:3 - 5

(NIV Bible)

The Charm of Princess Diana

Princess Diana was regal in a way
that the other Royals differed ~
Diana's regal composure was filled
with a natural warmth and vivacity ~
she illuminated a mixture of
fairy-tale princess
and concerned, merciful, humane woman ~
her outward and inward beauty
were intwined and potent to all the world~
She transmitted a sincere love
and sensitive empathy toward
the weak and the needy ~
Who could not love her?
Diana was regal in a unique aspect ~
not to be looked upon as a princess
out of reach with ordinary people ~
rather a princess of inviting charm
and enthusiasm and charity.
by Dolores Ann Treadway
written March 31, 2001

Well of love: Princess Diana's Legacy

In your heart was a well of love and sensitivity
which led you to follow the path
which led to people who desperately needed
the touch of understanding
and the solace of a gentle, caring spirit ~
which embodied you, dear Diana ~
Your smile, touch and sympathetic nature
captured the people ~
not only those who were ill
but, also, admirers from all over the world ~
You were our "Queen of Hearts"
and will be so forever.
by Dolores Ann Treadway
written April 12, 2001

“With her children at her side, she said this to a homeless man in a shelter:
‘Tonight I am not a princess; my sons are not princes.
I’m Diana, this is William and this is Harry.
You never look up, you never look down, you look straight ahead.”
Princess Diana, a quote taken from
“Diana: A Portrait in Her Own Words”,
Edited by Bill Adler, 1999.

“I think it’s important that they see the suffering in the world
and have personal knowledge of it.”
Princess Diana, quoted about her sons,
Prince William and Prince Harry,
taken from “Diana: A Portrait in Her Own Words”
Edited by Bill Adler, 1999.

Diana : the Mother and Humanitarian

The reality of the homeless Struck Princess Diana’s heart
She often took her sons To shelters and hospitals
To teach them that the suffering Of others
Mattered , despite the world’s stigmatism –
That there must be hope for those
Who live day to day
Either with the fear of dying homeless
Or dying from an incurable illness
Princess Diana never sat back
And viewed the tragedy of the homeless _
She went forward and met the darkeness
To which they lived in
The fear they lived in
Her heart was so full of empathy and true compassion
That she felt a spiritual need
To help give hope and love to the homeless
And To educate her sons in how these virtues
Were needed in their lives In their important positions –
Reaching out and making a difference
In a world full of fear and suffering.
By Dolores Ann Treadway
Written May 7, 2001

"I just can't resist some young children.
They stand before me,
some with their arms stretched out.
I just want to pick them up in my arms, so I do.
" Princess Diana
taken from "Diana: A Portrait In Her Own Words",
edited by Bill Adler, 1999.

"I make the trips at least three times a week,
and spend up to four hours at a time
with patients holding their hands
and talking to them.
Some of them will live
and some will die,
but they all need to be loved
while they are here.
I try to be there for them.
I really love helping.
I seem to draw strength form them."
Diana, Princess of Wales...
taken from
"Diana: A Portrait in Her Own Words,"
edited by Bill Adler, 1999.

"'Nothing gives me more pleasure now
than being able to love and help,
those in our society who are vulnerable.
If I can contribute a little something,
then I am more than content.'"
Princess Diana,
from "Diana: In Her Own Words",
edited by Bill Adler, 1999

"In honor of Princess Diana's 40th Birthday"

“Let my love be a chalice that holds
Hope’s healing elixir
to another’s thirsting lips.”
By Joan Walsh Anglund
from Wings of Hope, 1994.

Diana’s Labor of Love

You dried tears
Of those who mourned
You comforted those
Who were in need of soothing hope
You brought joy
To all whose lives were in dormancy
You cared enough to
Involve yourself with those
In need of mercy
You experienced enough heartache
To relate with those who were rejected
You stepped beyond limitations
To share your endless
Empathy and radiance
You blessed lives
Far more than
you could ever have imagined.
By Dolores Ann Treadway
Written June, 2001

our sweet princess,
lies enfolded
within the wings
of mystical angels
their songs
soothe her spirit
as she comforted
masses on earth
Dolores A. Treadway
July 28, 2001

~ Diana's Sincerity ~

Diana was a symbol
of hope and vitality
in a rigid, lifeless
which surrounded her
Diana brought forth
refreshing friendlessness
and wit
to people all over the world
Diana had no limitations
concerning the love
which poured
from her sweet, warm spirit ~
she sought out
those in need
of affection and hope.
by Dolores Ann Treadway
Written Aug 3, 2001

"I see myself as a princess for the world,
not the Princess of Wales."
Princess Diana

~ remembrance ~

only four years ago
your sweet presence
was taken away
so tragically

we have wept
for our sparkling
blue eyes
which drew us into
your life

we have wept
for your sincere, warm,
tender smile
which led us
to feel a part of
your life

only four years ago
you have been
physically gone
from the earth

you are in the heavens
watching over us
as we weep

you enchanted us
through your charm
your amiability
leaving memories

as autumn leaves
colorful and rich
in texture and form

memories to linger upon
memories to smile upon

memories of a princess
who influenced others
through her tolerance and tenderness
through her beauty and refreshment
by Dolores Ann Treadway
August 25, 2001



This site is dedicated to my neice
Megan Frances Biddle
Who loves Princess Diana

"I would sincerely like to thank my dear e-friend, Maria Lindberg,
in all her hard work in helping to technically build my webpage.
Without her encouragement and help
I would not be sharing my poetry for Princess Diana with others.
Thanks Maria!!!
Love always...Dolores...your friend"

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