GBHS Class of 1967
Glen Burnie Senior High School
Glen Burnie, Maryland
35 Year Class Reunion
Our 35-year Class Reunion Main Event was held at
Snyder's Restaraunt
Over the next few weeks until this web page subscription expires we will try to post pictures from this last reunion.
35-year Class Reunion Main Event
The decision was unanimous for informal dress and we decided on a "Patriotic" theme. It wasn't difficult for us to decide that the only suitable colors for decoration should be Red, White and Blue.
Coach Bruce McLin and Jay Rhodes
Chuck with DJ
Carolyn Murray and Gary A.Teeter
We enjoyed DJ Dance Music with Celebration DJ Services
and plenty of prizes
The next day we experienced a delightful Second Day Brunch Cruise
With Baltimore’s Harbor Cruises aboard the Bay Lady
on Sunday, September 22, 2002.The weather was absolutely beautiful.
A view of the Bay Lady and Lady Baltimore
Docked in Baltimore's Inner Harbor
Brunch Cruise
Barbara (Bock) Adams and her sister
Hey, Great job! Pat, Diane, Chuck, Gary and Linda
Reunion Cruise
Val and his wife Pat
GBHS Brunch Cruise
GBHS Brunch Cruise
Margaret Lynn Burtis and Penny Horgan
GBHS Cruise view of the Key Bridge
Group Picture
View of Inner Harbor
Missing classmates
Please send us any information you may have on a missing classmate even if you think we may already have it. This is the most recent list of the missing. It would be nice if we could locate some of them.
Robert Bailey, George Basinger, Larry Bell, Norma Bowers, Ed Bradley, Peggy Brown, Beverly Brow, Carole Bucci, Judy Burr, Rosmary Burr, Linda Butler, Catherine Carruthers, David Chapman, Wayne Coldbeck, Kathi Dicus, John Donohue, Vincent Genovese, Kathy Giddings, Connie Gosper, Francine Grant, Linda Grecco, Michael Green, George Griffith, Linda Haislip, Sharon Hall, James Harrelson, Pamala Hoheisel, Patricia Holbert, Margaret Jackson, Roger Jeffers, Steven Keigley, Jane Kessler, Nick Kiya, Wyatt Law, Donna Lewis, James Lott, Bill Marsh, Thomas Miller, Frances Patrick, Mark Schools, Linda Seelbinder, William Seymour, James Shepherd, Sharon Sims, Earl Smith, Oliver Smith, James Taylor, Deborah Viertel, Rodrigo Villaroman, Stanley Weems, Sheryl Williams, Michael Yates, and David Zembower
We are in need of some help from those of you who would care to be an active member of the Reunion Committee. Now is the time for you to join your talents with ours to help us make the next reunion a memorable occasion for everyone.
Just contact Chuck Thomas, you can call him at 1-410-421-9325. If you wish to respond electronically may use the following email address Thomas). Whichever way you choose is fine, but please respond quickly. We are working with this web site and will keep you posted. We are looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Contact us at: for Chuck Thomas
Our love and prayers to those that may have suffered injury to, or loss of a friend or loved one through the recent tragic acts of cowardly terrorism in Washington, Pennsylvania and New York City. Let us remember and honor their lives by continuing to live ours, and not letting the Bad Guys win. May God Bless You and yours, and May God Bless America.
Your Reunion Committee
Mailing Address -
Gary A. Teeter
6506 Reile Drive
Elkridge, MD 21075
Or Contact us at: for Chuck Thomas