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GPG-TO-GO - Downloads




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GPG-TO-GO (GnuPG-1.4.2)  Simply unzip this to your removable medium. The zip file comprises the gpg.exe binary, the batch file go.bat which launches the Windows command processor, hkp and ldap keyserver binaries, a sample gpg.conf file and empty keyrings, and the file.

For floppy disk optimization all the binaries have been compressed with upx. The only change to the original source code for this compilation was to remove the warning message when the iconv.dll is not present.


-- site maintainer's note :

As explained in the introductory site, important vulnerabilities have been corrected in GnuPG, and it is imperative that all users upgrade to GnuPG version 1.4.16 or later

The latest current GnuPG version is 1.4.16

The official GnuPG homepage with the GnuPG downloads, is here:
GnuPG Download Page

Note that the windows binary is not listed here, but it is available on one of the mirror sites.

Note that this site includes the GnuPG binary with its installer.

For the purposes of GPG-2-GO, only the file gpg.exe is necessary, but this is not available as a stand-alone file signed by any of the GnuPG developers.
As it is of paramount importance in crypto work, to trust only those files and that code developed by trusted people,
it is advisable to download the 1.4.16 binary and detached signatures from the GnuPG download page and verify Werner Koch's signature.
Then install GnuPG 1.4.16 on a test system,
copy the gpg.exe file from there,
and then replace the gpg.exe in the GPG-2-GO download, with the gpg.exe from 1.4.16 .

For reference, if space permits on a floppy, it would also be advisable to copy the 1.4.16 and replace the in the GPG-2-GO download, with the 1.4.16

The IDEA algorithm is already installed starting with gnupg version 1.4.13, as the IDEA patents have already expired.

In the event that binaries might not be available in the future,
here is a simple "How-to" guide on compiling your own windows gnupg 1.x binary, even if you have never seen a compiler.

Compiling Your Own Windows Binary, (for those who have never used a compiler)

One of the Site's original authors, John W. Moore III,
who worked with Maxine on GPG-2-GO,
has a modified version of GnuPG 1.4.5,
and has put together the updated version of GPG-2-GO which includes 1.4.5, without any further need for modification.

It is available here:

GPG-2-GO Updated with JWM's GnuPG 1.4.5

N.B. The files are signed by John W. Moore for his modified version, not by the GnuPG development team.

The following are the changes in JWM's GnuPG 1.4.5 :

- the IDEA algorithm is included
- the TIGER 192 hash is included
- keys up to size 8192 can be generated

At the time Maxine wrote the file 'go.bat', 64 bit systems were not widely in use. The file 'go.bat' will not work on a 64 bit system. Here is a modification that will work: Open Notepad, or any editor and type the following 2 lines:
set GNUPGHOME=home

Save this file as Go64.bat and use it instead of Go.bat. It will still work on 32 bit systems as well.

-- / site maintainer


pgp keys:

2048 v3 rsa key
keyid: 0x6A05A0B785306D25
fingerprint: 96A6 5F71 1C43 8423 D9AE 02FD A711 97BA

4096 v4 rsa key:
keyids: (primary: 0x5AA20C866A589A97 )
(subkey: 0x04ADEE20 )
fingerprint: ED03 5602 A6A9 093F 0BF7 1BD0 5AA2 0C86 6A58 9A97

pub 4096R/D35FB186 1/22/2008 vedaal nistar
(no subkeys // same key for both signing and encrypting)

Primary key fingerprint:
C982 4216 3053 B6F3 62F2 7DC0 506F 4FA1 D35F B186

contact: vedaal at nym dot hush dot com

o o O o o

Extra files:

Sample Configuration file and blank keyrings.

E-mail guide

Compressed version of iconv.dll

If you really need the IDEA cipher for communication with PGP 2.x users, you can get the necessary .DLL here IDEA is a patented algorithm and is subject to license restrictions which you can learn more about at


( Site maintainer's note:

These IDEA links are no longer active.

Here is a link to Disastry's idea.dll

It has Disastry's signature, and the page also has the idea dll sourcecode written by Werner Koch, with WK's signature.

Beginning with version 1.4.13 IDEA is already automatically installed and does not require any separate downloading of an IDEA module, or any mention of it in gpg.conf.

--end Site Maintainer's note )