This site is shutting down. The only remaining content is that which has not moved over to the new site. Reviews have been discontinued. All fiction can be found at the new site. The translations remain up because they are going to be a complicated transfer, one I do not yet have time to do (as you can see by the variation in style partway through the OFC set).
Please change bookmarks and links, if not connected to the OFC translations, to http://mmebahorel.cafemusain.com.
The Les Misérables Original French Concept Album (OFC) completely translated by me personally.
The libretto of La Révolution française, Boublil and Schönberg's first collaboration, translated (by me, of course).
The official companion site to Scott Logsdon's serial "The Glamorous Life". Also the project to which my time has been going.OFC Translations | La Révolution française | Allées du Meilhan