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Tripp's Life
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Enhance My World

Penny For Your Thoughts

Welcome to Tripp's Word. I made this site so that those who visited might find some cool new links they never knew about, and in the process learn a little background on who I am. So I hope you enjoy the site and feel free to sign my guestbook.

Shout Outs!!
I have some Shout Outs to my crew. Quan and Khanh!! You my boys!! You're not only my cousins, but you're my best friends. I've known you guys forever and you're more then just family to me. Angela my little sis!! You know you got problems but I still love ya!! HEH. A shout out to Anh Dang! Anh I've known you longer then we probably would like to heh. I remember when you were a punk litle kid with long parted you're just a punk kid with short hair. Shout outs to Aaron C., Aaron M., Berto, Bo, Bom, Brian, Bryce, Cami, Chris D., Chris F., Chris R., Coreen, Craig, Crystal, Diana, Duong, Ha, Hai, Hai Yen, Huong, Huy, Jan, Janessa, Jatana, Jeannie, Juliet, Josh, Jovon, Khoa, Lauren, Levi, Manh, Mariko, Marina, Mouk, Mike P., Mike S., Mike W., Namin, Phong, Rowdy, Sandi, Scott, Sean, Shawn, Su, Sydney, Ti, Thomas, Todd, Vu, Xi Xi, all my Pi Kapp brothers!! And all those other people not mentioned who hang with me on a whenever basis. Major Shout Outs to all of you!!
Demotivational Of The Month ( : DEFEAT
"For every winner, there are dozens of losers. Odds are you're one of them."
July 2007 Events

Nothing at the moment

My New High Tech Toy - July 17, 2007

I just purchased the Canon SD850 SI digital camera. This camera packs a whopping 8.0 megapixels. Bad ass camera.

A Little Bit About Me

My real name is Martin. I was born in Myrtle Beach, SC. My parents were both originally from Vietnam. I'm a pretty fun-loving guy, really laid back with no worries really. Right now I'm just really floating through life. I love the beach and just hanging out with my friends either just talking up a storm or partying until the sun rises. I'm pretty much a people person and like to have fun as much as I can, while I can.

Message Board

You guys know that you can type on the message board. I've had that thing there for forever. You can just go straight to the link that says Tripp's World and make new posts. Just create a new thread and I can respond in them.

Reflections of Life
I was at the beach one night staring up at the stars. I thought about how amazing it was to see all those stars up the dark sky. Much like ordinary people each star is an individual entity, each star trying to shine out from the dark void that is uncertainty. Each person strives to shine as bright as possible while they exist, but no matter what happens though, it is those stars working together that light up the night sky. - Thought by me
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Tripp The Light Fantastik

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