Stewart Manor - St. Albans Lodge No. 56 F.& A.M. , State of New York.
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The R..W..Bob Vance, Jr.
Master, 2010-2011

Welcomes you to this web site.

You're Not A Mason ?

How can you become a Mason ?
The answer is easy,
Ask one how to become one !
(Click Here to send a question)

Already a Mason ? Here in the district ? For information on
how rewarding it
can be to Volunteer
with us at
St. Albans V.A. Hospital,
drop us an E-mail.

Masters Picture

Master of our Lodge

We meet 1st & 3rd Fridays, 8:00PM, at the
Rockville Centre Masonic Hall,
28 Lincoln Avenue, Rockville Centre, New York.
(click address for a map)

Our Monthly Communication Notice
Our Monthly Communication

For any other questions or comments
contact our Secretary, Brother Robert Getschel.

For More Masonic Links & Information:

Grand Lodge of the State of New York
Grand Lodge of the State of New York F.& A.M.

2nd Nassau Masonic District Web Site
Second Nassau Masonic District

For your reading pleasure
Please click the logo:

The first all electronic Masonic Magazine.

Our 2004 - 2005 Line of Officers (Click Here)

Past Masters List (in the works).

Nassau Drama Team Pictures
Some snapshots

1999 Picnic Pictures
Some digital snapshots

Floral Park Chapter No. 726 Order of the Eastern Star

Click here for Pictures :


This web site was created by Brother Robert Getschel
(Who is Brother Robert ? Click here to find out)

Copyright © 2010. All rights reserved.








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