B Meet Wednesday at Carderock
A Meet Saturday at North Chevy Chase
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In Our Last Episode
the Little Falls Penguins swim team vied valiantly for D Division's treasured title. It was a wild ride. This year we take on F Division with nothing but our charisma. And perhaps some fast swimming, too.
A new season begins. . .
Week 1
Victory in close races was the story of the day as Little Falls eluded Manor Woods, 397 to 380. It was the first win for the Penguins since 2002. In event #2, the 11 - 12 girls individual medley, Caroline Lippold earned the first first place of the season while Lauren Becker and Olivia Ferguson followed close by to garner the inaugural sweep of 2004. Ferguson and Lippold, along with new addition Lizzie Parmenter, also swept their breaststroke race. However, the 9 - 10 boys of Little Falls presented a strong case that
were the most dominant group of the meet. 9-year-olds Russell Petty and Jacob Taswell took the backstroke and butterfly, respectively, proving undaunted by the older competition. Cam Hoffman showed that two years in the 9 - 10 age group is twice as nice, winning freestyle and breaststroke. Like Petty and Taswell, Ethan Taswell (7), Patrick Hearle (11), and Ben Cimons (13) had strong performances despite a disadvantage of age, giving hope of a 7-9-11-13 graduated relay and an improved 8-10-12-14 relay next year. Like Hoffman, David Hogan and George Spake deferred the former possibility with powerful freestyle performances. Hogan's 25 freestyle was an especially surprising surge out of the first heat to finish 2nd overall. Next week Little Falls faces a very strong Garrett Park team at home.
Long Course