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Come to My Page or I Will Beat You Web Ring!

You probably know that this ring is for people who are aggressive and want there page to be seen!
None of this "I will check your page out later" shit!

If you agree to this policy, than "Come to My Page or I Will Beat YOU!" is the ring for you!
No doubt that this ring will bring more traffic to your site! Just recently this webring reached about 650 members, and it's STILL growing!

To join this awesome Web Ring, please read the rules, and fill out the information below:

RULES to my webring!
First of all, my webring is very flexible! I want you to know that. Any site goes, under these conditions...

Fill out form below to enter the Webring:

Submit site to Come to My Page or I Will Beat You Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

The Ring Image will look like the following:

NOTE: Do not take html from "view source" here. This is specifically just an example of what the ring tag will look like. Your html will be given to you after submission.


site is owned by Johnny.

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Enjoy, and good luck!

Come to the ringmaster's main page!