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Dan's House

Back in 1987 Denise and myself (Nancy)were members of another group that had disbanded after the founder had moved from the area. During that time, we,and a few others, had done an investigation at a historical home in Maryland. Where? we promised the owner not to disclose the area, sorry. Dan, (the owner of the property)and a tenant had been experiencing some strange accurences, and seeing a female aparition. She would only appear in one area of the house. The home contains alot of residual energies of times gone by. With our joy the owner had gotten alot of the history of the prior owners from surviving relatives. He was able to confirm some of our descriptions of past events. Was the aparition their imagination? no, the female that they were seeing was the wife of the first owner. It took two visits to the house but on the second one she had finally communicated with us. No, we didn't get to see her as an aparition. Why was she there? She had never wanted to move, and in their process of moving she had lost a favorite baby picture that she had believed to have left there. Dan and his tenant never really had a problem with her being there, we were called in mainly to find out who it was and why she was there. Dan had bought the home from an estate sale after the previous owners had passed away. Alot of the stuff that had been there over the years was still there. Including alot of pictures of babies. At the time of our departure we had left with Dan placing some of the baby pictures that he had found in different areas of the house. Last time that I had talked to Dan was in 1998 and she was still there but all was fairly quiet..They were cohabiting the home easily. The following pictures are ones that Denise had taken and she holds the copywrite to them. Three of the pics are titled strap..Why? cuz when someone looks at them they look like the camera strap got in the way. But, there wasn't a camera strap on the camera. Hair? maybe, or maybe not. Denise's hair is and was fairly short.Or could it be a vortex? It very well could be..They have raised alot of controversy and i am not saying what they are or aren't.

Denise's Pictures