The day was average, with a normal amount of customers, a normal amount of orders for the restaurant, and a normal amount of blows to the head to Mousse.
" Stupid Mousse!" In time with the bellow, a robed figure was thrown out of the kitchen, landing in a heap on the floor. Mousse pulled himself to his feet just in time to be smashed in the face with a broom.
" Storage room needs cleaning, go work!" Shouted the irate Amazon, her purple hair streaming behind her as she stalked into the main room, a tray of ramen held high in one hand. She stalked past the prone boy, serving the customers with a smile. The patrons of the Nekohanten were used to this; she had done this four times already in the last three hours.
" But Shampoo, surely the back room is clean enough…" Mousse's protest trailed off as the object of his affection spun toward him with murder in her eyes. He slowly backed away with the broom. " But, ah, I guess a little more work couldn't hurt."
Shampoo turned away with a smirk, and Mousse trudged back into the storage room. Some of the patrons looked at him with sympathy, but they assumed it was some quaint Chinese custom, since they couldn't possibly imagine the friendly Shampoo doing anything like that otherwise.
Mousse flicked on the light switch to the storage room, sliding his glasses onto his forehead as he began to work. The already perfectly clean floor was brushed again and again, as Mousse mentally counted the minutes until Shampoo would shout for him to help back in the restaurant.
Women are creatures of habit, after all. And strength, and skill, and power… Mousse was far to used to Shampoo's antics to let them bother him. Why, just this morning she woke him up with a pail of cold water, saying he was sleeping in. He wasn't, of course, but he was happy to be her punching bag if it helped her release pent up frustrations.
Now, if only those frustrations were not about Ranma…
With a sigh Mousse turned toward the door, planning on waiting in the hall until called. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a hint of movement, causing him to squint in the direction of the corner of the room. Not that he could see it, for without his glasses it seemed to be a solid blur of gray, but he was mildly curious…
A boy about his age was making his way for the door, carefully walking around the boxes and piles that were placed around the room. He wore black pants off set by a plain white tee shirt, clothes that seemed dull and colorless to the eye. Thin and tall, he didn't seem all that assuming to Mousse
Yet in the sea of blurred shapes, the boy was as focused and clear as day.
Mousse stood with his mouth hanging open for a moment as the boy made his way toward the door. Finally, when it seemed apparent that he planned to walk right past Mousse without even a glance, Mousse found his voice. " What-what are you doing here? Who are you?"
The boy stopped, and he looked just as startled as Mousse did. The two of them stared at each other for a moment before the stranger spoke. " You can see me?" A quiet voice, one easily lost if he wasn't listening hard.
" Of course I can see you. I just want to know why!" Mousse said, exasperated.
The conversation was interrupted by a shout from the main room. " Mousse, you hurry here and help with customers!"
Mousse glanced over his shoulder, reflexively sliding his glasses in place as he did so. " Coming my darling!" Looking back, the room was back in sharp focus, but the boy was gone.
Mousse stood there for several minutes before an irate shout from Shampoo had him running.
* * *
Closing time didn't come soon enough for Mousse, and even after that he had to complete the list of chores for the old mummy. Mousse liked to think of it as a strange sort of training to defeat Ranma, although how cleaning tables would help him defeat Ranma he didn't know.
As he finished, Shampoo came bounding into the room with a happy smile on her face, a package held close in her arms. " Great-grandmother! Package came!"
" About time." Grouched the elder Amazon. Hopping out from behind the counter, she eyed the package. " Is it all there then? For what we paid for it, it should be."
Shampoo eagerly began to open the package, tossing paper aside in her haste. Mousse walked over to where she worked, and couldn't help but groan out loud at what lay inside.
Three rows of bottles and containers were neatly arrayed, their Japanese labels all pointed upward so Mousse could read them. All of them were chemicals of some sort or the other, and Mousse had a sinking feeling what those chemicals would be used for.
" Finally." Cologne snorted, examining one bottle carefully. " I was beginning to wonder if these would ever get here. Now I can finally get the soup the way I like it."
Mousse and Shampoo blinked, staring at her, uncomprehending.
" Great-grandmother…" Shampoo spoke hesitantly. " These aren't for potion? Something for Ranma?"
Cologne rolled her eyes. " Shampoo, do you remember the conversation we had after the fiasco with the hypnosis mushroom?"
" Yes, Great-grandmother. ‘Love is never won through easy tricks, but through hard work, dedication, and perhaps pit traps'." Shampoo sighed, looking disappointed. Mousse was about to ask the elder for Shampoo to have permission before he realized what he was considering. I will not argue for Shampoo to capture Ranma!
" Well then, how about you go out and put that theory to practice?" Cologne said with a smile. Shampoo immediately perked up, nodding eagerly as she leapt out the door. Mousse looked helplessly upward before following.
A walking stick around the legs brought him crashing to the floor. He glanced over his shoulder just in time to see the bucket he had been using upended over his head.
" Quack!" Snapped an upset duck, shaking free of the extra-large clothes hanging off of him.
" Mousse, if I've told you once I've told you a thousand times. You are not to interrupt Shampoo and her husband." Cologne looked down at Mousse, her eyes forcing him down with the weight of over a hundred years of experience.
Mousse grumbled as well as he could in duck form, glaring up at the Elder Amazon. Sure, Shampoo had been defeated by Ranma, but he rejected her! Surely that should break the ties.
As always, Cologne seemed to know what he was thinking. She hopped off her staff, holding it in both hands like a baseball staff. Mousse knew what was coming, and braced for impact.
" Mousse, why don't you take some time off." The store was closed anyway, and he had done most of the cleaning already. She felt quite generous as she swung.
Mousse was out the door and over the roof level before she had finished her swing. She placed the staff on her shoulder, nodding in satisfaction at her handiwork. " This old gal still has it, I see."
* * *
The ground and sky kept switching places, making orientation difficult for Mousse to say the least. His glasses fell off near the peak of the arc, so he had no way of knowing when he was going to hit the…
…Ground, with he had slammed bill first against. He slowly pulled himself to his feet, shaking any loose pieces of trash off of him. Some small part of his mind was still annoyed that he wasn't allowed to follow Shampoo, but he was mostly grateful that the old ghoul had taken it easy on him. He was barely bruised, just lost and stuck in cursed form. It would probably take him all night to find his way home.
With a sigh, he looked around, the blurs mostly the same color this time of night. That large gray blur might be a road, so…
Taking several steps in that direction, Mousse smacked into the wall. Right, roads are flat, and this tends to stick up a bit. After several more failed attempts, he finally made his way out of the alley.
Mousse walked through the crowds, only occasionally getting kicked or bumped. The appearance of a grumbling duck was enough to make most pedestrians wonder think about turning in early for the night. Mousse was too caught up in his own thoughts to notice.
Lost, blind, with Ranma probably toying with Shampoo's heart again. Could this day get any worse? Argh, don't think that, it might happen! Stupid city, back home we had maybe one or two strange events a year, not every week. Sometimes I wonder why anyone would want to hang around a trouble magnet like Ranma…
The sound of sirens suddenly rang out, and Mousse looked around, finally spotting where the red lights were lighting up the area. Maybe Ranma got run over. Repeatedly. By a truck. Ah, to dream.
With a resigned sigh, Mousse trudged forward toward the disturbance. There was a crowd up ahead, but even blind Mousse needed little help to make it past the sea of legs. Besides getting stuck in a skirt once, Mousse arrived to the front.
He still couldn't tell what had happened. There was a hissing sound, like a pipe had broken. Several lights lying around, which could mean either a fallen light poll or and broken car. Another set of red lights must be an ambulance, and he could hear men grunting as they lifted something. There was crying, shouting, no purple blurs, and…
…That guy again, sitting on a railing, watching what was happening.
Mousse gaped, looking at the stranger. He could see him clearly, not a single part of his face or clothes were blurred. Not that he was much to see, an unassuming boy with no distinctive traits. Yet Mousse couldn't understand why he was able to see this boy without his glasses.
As if he had known that he had been spotted, the boy turned to look at Mousse. For the second time that day they regarded each other, except this time the boy began to laugh. A duck with his mouth hanging open was a strange sight to see.
Hopping of the rail, the stranger walked up to Mousse, squatting down for a better look. His voice could barely be heard over the noise of the crowd. " I know cats see me, but you are the first duck to spot me."
Mousse quacked angrily, shaking his head back and forth. The boy raised an eyebrow. " You mean you are not a duck?"
Mousse nodded. Now, how do I explain without words or hands?
His thoughts were cut off when the boy rose, walking away through the crowds. With a startled quack, Mousse followed as best he could. The boy didn't seem to push through the crowd, but they easily made their way out without brushing against a single person. Mousse didn't have time to wonder, hurrying as best he could on his short legs. This would be so much simpler if I could fly, but then I'd lose him. Who is he, anyway?
The stranger continued to walk, not turning around to check to see if Mousse was still following. Mousse was tempted to throw a knife to get his attention, but then he might run, and Mousse would never find him. He settled for loudly quacking and waving his wings as he ran. While he thought he could make out a lot of pedestrians staring at him, the boy never missed a step.
Mousse couldn't tell how far they walked, the street and sidewalk looked the same to him. Too many people, too little space, and too short legs made for a tired, annoyed Mousse. He was about to start throwing when the boy stopped.
" This way." The boy gestured for Mousse to follow him as he stepped inside a building. With a ducky shrug, Mousse waddled up the steps, hurrying through the door before it closed. Wait, he didn't open the door, so how…
At least it was quieter in here. The street noise was reduced to a quiet murmur, and he could faintly hear the sound of splashing water. Splashing water? Wait a minute, this is a bathhouse!
Mousse ran past the boy, not bothering to pause when he entered the main room. Hoping he was on the correct gender side, he dived into the hot water.
After the change, Mousse emerged fully a man (or at least human). He began to search for the hidden clothing stash he had placed in most of the bathhouses. If he was lucky, he would be able to find a new pain of glasses.
" A little more to your right, and about a foot up." The boy said helpfully from the edge.
Following the boy's directions, he pulled aside the loose brick and pulled out his spare clothes.
Pulling himself to the edge, he dried off with a spare towel before he dressed.
He sighed with relief when he slid his glasses into place. Good, I am on the men's side. They weren't even staring at him, being far to used to this sort of thing. With a chuckle, Mousse turned to the boy, ready to thank him…
… And he wasn't there.
Mousse blinked, looking around. Strange, he was here when I changed. Is he that good of a martial artist?
Mousse turned, looking for where they boy could have gone. The door was closed, so was the window. He could have hopped over to the ladies side, but he didn't hear any commotion from over there.
Mousse had a growing suspicion about what was going on. He slowly reached up and removed his glasses.
The boy was right in front of him, watching him with a curious expression.
" Vanish like that! You could at least warn a guy." Mousse pulled himself to his feet, putting his glasses back on by reflex.
The boy was gone again, and the other men were looking at him strangely.
" Oh, that's just great." Mousse mumbled. He took his glasses off again and glaring at the boy as he appeared. " How do you do that? Why can I only see you when I don't have my glasses on?"
The boy was silent for a moment before speaking. " Don't you think that you might be the only one to see me? To hear me?"
Mousse opened his mouth, and then stopped. You know, he might be right.
" And," the boy continued, " wouldn't being called mentally insane hurt your chances with that girl?"
"Okay, that's it." Mousse stalked for the door, then slammed into the wall. He glared at the boy. " Meet me on the roof!" Putting on his glasses, Mousse found the exit and left.
Stalking past the confused cashier, he leapt to the roof as soon as he was outside. He closed his eyes, listening. He couldn't hear any footsteps, no low breathing, no sound of anyone jumping. Mousse continued to listen for a long time, until he was quite sure he had not been followed.
" Feh, another spirit that runs away. Probably got summoned by Ranma and wants revenge or something." Mousse sighed. Maybe he had been working to hard, or maybe the old ghoul had hit a pressure point to mess with his brain. He was getting a headache just thinking about it. He took off his glasses, rubbing his eyes to clear his head.
" So what did you want to talk about?" The boy asked right in his ear.
Mousse scream wasn't even closely coherent this time. He toppled over backwards, scrambling away from the boy, who seemed confused by the reaction.
" You…" Mousse scrambled to his feet. " How long have you been standing there?"
The boy shrugged. " As long as you've been here. Why?"
Mousse glared at him for a moment. " Listen you… what's your name, anyway?"
The boy thought for a moment before shrugging again. " I've got quite a few."
" Yeah, same here." Mousse couldn't feel any hostility from the boy, so he guessed that he wasn't a threat. Then again, he couldn't feel anything from him… " I've got my tribal name, Mousse, and my country name, which is Mhu Zee. Call me Mousse." He sat down, glad to rest his legs after all the running he had done earlier.
The boy sat down as well. " So you are a Amazon? Funny, I didn't think there were any in Japan."
" How did you know I was a Amazon? Come to think of it, how did you know about Shampoo?" While he felt no threat, Mousse made sure that he had a few blades ready in the sleeve of his robe, just in case.
" Shampoo? Oh, the girl. It's written all over you. As for the name, who else but a Amazon would have a name like that?"
Mousse chuckled, thinking of some of the people who visited Nerima. " Oh, there are a few. Anyway, what are some of your names?"
The boy stared at Mousse, and Mousse slowly realized that when the boy wasn't moving, he ceased to move entirely. He didn't even seem to breath or blink. Just as it was beginning to creep out Mousse, the stranger spoke. " Well, I'd tell you, but you would freak out. Since this is one of the best conversations I've had in a while, I'll keep my silence."
" Oh no, I told you my names, it's only polite to respond." Mousse was now positive Ranma had released this person. All he had to do was know the name, and he'd have enough knowledge to… do something, he wasn't quite sure what.
" Fine. Here's the one you can call me. Orcus." He sat back, waiting for a response.
Mousse thought furiously. Orcus, what kind of a name is that? I don't recognize it as Chinese, heck it kinda sounds western. Ranma, what have you summoned now? Giving up, he asked. " So why was that suppose to freak me out?"
Orcus blinked several times, surprised. He sighed, lowering his head to his hand. " I thought that they had a good education system in China."
" If you mean history, then my western knowledge is somewhat lacking." Mousse was smug that he had it now. This boy was a western spirit.
" Roman, actually, but close enough. Maybe you'll recognize some of the other names?" The boy was actually looking hopeful. Mousse understood that. Back in the village, Shampoo had hated it when someone from a nearby village hadn't known her reputation.
So he's famous, yet historic. Hmmmm. " Alright, go ahead."
" Mictlantecutli?"
Huh? " Not a clue."
" Didn't really think so. Dis Pater?"
" Sorry."
" Okay, how about Ke'elets?"
" Where'd you get that one?"
" Picked it up somewhere. Maybe Wodan?"
" Nope."
" Jeez, what did you learn? Cizen?"
" Could you even be more obscure?"
" Yes I could, with Abattur."
" Okay, good point, but I haven't a clue."
" So I see. Now I know you've heard of Hades."
Mousse frowned. It did ring a bell, but he couldn't remember whom. Lot's of names, this spirit. Nothing Chinese, though. " No, haven't heard that one."
Orcus sighed, rolling his eyes. " Turn your back and they've forgotten. I've got it, Mot."
" Well, at least it's pronounceable, but no."
Orcus muttered something under his breath. " Okay, I wanted to bring this in slowly, so you wouldn't freak, but now you've asked for it."
Mousse smirked, crossing his arms. " Whatever. I've met a lot scarier things than you, so how is a name suppose to intimidate me?"
" Emma-ho."
Mousse recognized this Chinese name. He looked at the boy, how he didn't breath, didn't blink, didn't make a sound…
" Kuan-Ti."
Mousse began to push himself backward, sliding away from the boy, from what he represented…
" Now, those are just fancy titles for my job. If you want it in plain speech," He paused, watching as Mousse hung on the edge of utter panic. " Then I'm Death."
" I knew it!" Mousse scrambled to his feet, only to trip again. " I'm to young to go! I've just gotten to Japan, haven't even kissed Shampoo, I haven't done anything! Oh, what will my ancestors think when I see them?" Mousse collapsed onto the roof. " What a disgrace, to die so far away from home! What will my mother think? Will Shampoo miss me? Will…"
Mousse slowly realized that Orcus wasn't doing anything. Lifting his head, he saw the boy watching Mousse with an exasperated expression. Slowly pulling himself together, Mousse coughed. " Ahem, sorry."
" Don't you think most people react that way?"
* * *
Cologne yawned, stretching out her old limbs. She had just finished with her favorite soap opera, and was ready for a good nap. While she didn't exert herself here as she did back in the village, she still found Japan to be a tiring place. Lifting herself up, she made her last check of the restaurant. Most people would know better than to try to rob this place, but she had learned over her years that there was no shortage of fools in this world.
As she finished, she realized that she hadn't seen Shampoo since closing time. She chuckled to herself. Ah, putting her future husband through three kinds of hell. Reminds me of my old courting days. She'll be back when she will, and then the fun will begin.
Cologne bounded up the stairs, leaving the restaurant empty and quiet.
Both of which were changed as soon as a silent watcher made sure that Cologne was well and truly asleep.
Shampoo entered as quietly as she could, her heart pounding from what she was about to do. She had never used her great-grandmothers things without permission, and now here she, planning to steal some of the chemicals Cologne had looked so happy to see.
Still, Shampoo was quite sure that she deserved this. After all, hadn't she been chasing Ranma for over a year? Hadn't she suffered everything thrown at her with a smile? Didn't she deserve to finally win him after all that?
Today had strengthened her resolve. Seeing the other girls fight over Ranma when it was obvious (to her) that he wanted only her company had been the final straw for Shampoo. She had the way now, and she was going to make him hers.
She crept into the kitchen, freezing at any sound. She had never been so nervous in her life. She didn't want to think of what her great-grandmother would do when… IF she found out. She focused on her goal, on the chemicals. Her great-grandmother had placed them on the spice rack, which convinced Shampoo that Cologne must have withering taste buds, to risk putting those in her mouth.
She ran her hand over the bottles, her eyes reading the labels in the dim light. She remembered a recipe for a love potion, a small bit of reading she had done when choosing a path in her village. While magic had appealed to her, she had chosen the warrior's path, but still remembered the instructions for turning a man's heart.
Now Ranma, now you won't have anything holding you away from me!
* * *