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    4,600,000,000 years ago, when Earth was formed, its atmosphere contained volcanic gases with little oxygen, being hostile to any form of life.

    3,500,000,000 years ago the oxygen level began increasing gradually due to the continuous combination and replication of the chemical elements, creating the conditions proper for life. In this period are predominant simple organisms, similar to the sea weeds.

    500,000,000 years ago appear the first vertebrates and 200,000,000 years ago appear the dinosaurs that will suddenly disappear 65,000,000 years ago. A theory suggests the arrival of a huge meteorite hitting the Earth, probably in the today Gulf of Mexico. This meteor, on contact with the Earth, created an unbreathable haze in the air which would have caused the death of these creatures - the dinosaurs - which, if would have continued to exist, the emerging and later development of the human race was, maybe, impossible.

    Also, 65,000,000 years ago ended the formation of the Carpathian Mountains and the Transylvanian Basin, and of course Orastie Mountains later on home of early Dacian Tribes (teritory of today's Romania).

    50,000,000 years ago emerged a variety of mammals, including the ancestors of some modern animals, as: the monkeys, the elephants, the felines, the horses.

    40,000,000 years ago the Black Sea separated from the Caspian Sea and from the Aral Lake.

    25,000,000 years ago in the Eastern African forests emerged the "proconsul," an early form of the monkey.

    4,000,000 years ago the tie between humanoids and monkeys broke.

    2,000,000 years ago - in TERTIARY - we can find a rich animal life similar to the one in the Buciutesti area. The presence of the humanoids is being felt by the appearance of the AUSTRALOPITHECUS, which differs from the monkeys in being a biped (capable to walk in two feet). He is followed by HOMO HABILIS ("handy-man"), which can make instruments from bones and stones. His success is also due to the bigger development of the brain.

    From now, 1,700,000 years ago, we encounter in Africa the HOMO ERECTUS, whose brain is even bigger, probably due to the richer in proteins feeding, being . . . a carnivore. Homo Erectus fossils have been discovered in Java (Mojokerto), which is a proof of the humanoids' expansion.

    1,000,000 years ago began the QUATERNARY period (in which we still are today), and it is composed of: PALEOLITHIC, MESOLITHIC, NEOLITHIC.

    Let us see what surprises brought each of them in the human development:


(the chisel stone period), divided into:

- INFERIOR - the period when appear the stone tools, dating 1,000,000 years ago to 100,000 B.C.

- MIDDLE - the period when the NEANDERTHAL human emerged in the Carpatho-Danubian area, between 100,000 and 40,000 B.C.

- SUPERIOR - during this period (40,000 - 10,000 B.C.) emerged the CRO-MAGNON human (HOMO SAPIENS) who left us the ancient mural paintings from Caciulati, Pescari (Gura Chindiei cavern), similar to those from Spain and France, being the first archaeological signs of the religious universe of the Paleolithic hunter.

THE MESOLITHIC (10,000 - 5,000 B.C.)
the period when the weather warmed, the icebergs thawed (so being invented the legends about "the flood" and its survivors, the oldest one being that from the "Vedic" culture), Great Britain became an island and the Black Sea took its actual shape.

    In Portile de Fier (Iron Gates - border of Romania and Serbia) area there have been found traces of the "Schela Cladovei" culture, the stone oven, the bowl with a painted decorated pedestal, etc.

    In the "Carcea" culture appears on a ceramic cup the Carpatho-Danubian "spiral," of white color on a red background.

this period begins 5,000 B.C.

    Inside the Romanian territory have been discovered the traces of various civilizations between 7,500 - 3,500 B.C.

    The "Pre-Cucuteni" culture is considered by the American specialist Marija Gimbutos for being the oldest European culture with the pre Indo-European population at its development apogee between 5,000 - 4,000 B.C.

    The "Boian" culture (4,000 - 3,800 B.C.) left us the first sanctuary created from clay and the "Hamangia" culture the first statue worked in marble in human history and the anthropomorphous clay statues "The Thinker and his woman."

    The "Vadeasa" culture contains pottery decorated with anthropomorphous accents, preceding the Trojan culture.

    From "Vincea" culture, in 1961 Nicolae Vlasa discovered at Tartaria upon Mures River (Transylvania, 5 miles from downtown Orastie City) some small clay tablets dated 4,800 - 4,500 B.C., considered by the same Gimbutas as the very first written message in human history, much before the Sumerians tablets (probably arising also from the Danube).

    In the "Cernavoda I" culture (4,400 - 3,500 B.C.) the shepherd tribes used horses and improved weapons; the bearers of this culture will get down to South, to Anatolia, the land that connected the Balkan Peninsula of Asia Minor (Anatolia will sink into the Mediterranean Sea, in 4,000 B.C., leaving many islands and a new sea, the Aegean Sea).

    The traces of our Carpatho-Danubian culture are still present today on some of these islands (old mountain crests), "amazing" (!?) the researchers who cannot imagine the way cultures like that of the Mycenaeans could have emerged in some isolated islands; they "cannot see the forest because of a tree" . . .

    This culture, "Cernavoda I" gave birth to the "Trojan" culture. Those Carpatho-Danubians (also called "ARIANS") gave birth to the world's culture, spreading not only all over Europe and toward North Egypt and Mesopotamia, but to the far India, where their "Vedic" culture "inspired" (and is still inspiring today) the world's cultures - the Chaldeans, the Egyptians, and others. The Hinduism and Christianity did not do anything else but copy, adjusting it to their local conditions . . .