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"What are SCURK and BAT?"
SCURK (SimCity Urban Renewal Kit) and BAT (Building Architect Tool) are building and object editors for SimCity 2000 and SimCity 3000 respectively.

SCURK is a paint program that allows one to paint buildings and objects onto SimCity 2000 "tiles."  A group of tiles make a tileset.

BAT is a building block program that allows one to make buildings and edit tilesets for SimCity 3000.  Buildings are made by stacking building blocks.   Doors, windows and other details are pasted on like decals.  BAT is available via download from Maxis at its BAT webpage.

ZIPped SCURK tilesets
Note: 1) .mif files are SimCity 2000 tilesets for Windows; 2) in order to access programs compressed within .ZIP files, you need a .ZIP program.  You can download .ZIP programs for Windows and Macintosh from PKWare.

New York City tileset.  Buildings in New York City.  Contains buildings from New York - Preliminary edition.  Click here for a preview and history of the buildings in this tileset.
     .mif version, .gif archive.
U.S. Landmarks.  Some landmark buildings in the United States.  Includes imaginary buildings created by me.
     .mif version
New York - Preliminary edition.  Contains buildings in New York City.
     .mif version, .gif archive.

SCURK and BAT links
Maxis, creators of SimCity 2000, SCURK, SimCity 3000 and BAT.
SimCity 3000 website from Maxis.
BAT webpage from Maxis.
SC3000.COM (SimCity 3000 Resource Center), an excellent website from a fan of the SimCity series.
Jasc Software, makers of Paint Shop Pro (a paint program that's a useful supplement to SCURK.)  You can also download an evaluation version of Paint Shop Pro there.

Images for BAT and SCURK

BAT images

Hong Kong Bank (Hong Kong; Sir Norman Foster, 1985) (added August 6, 1999) - click on thumbnails to access images.
- Download Hong Kong Bank .bld file here.
Hong Kong Bank Hong Kong Bank, sunscoop detail Hong Kong Bank SimCity 3000 scene
Hong Kong Bank sunscoop, detailed SimCity 3000 scene
Art Deco skyscraper (added June 20, 1999) - click on thumbnails to access images.
- Download Art Deco Skyscraper .bld file here.
Art Deco Skyscraper front Art Deco Skyscraper front, 
detailed Art Deco Skyscraper bottom back, 
detailed Art Deco Skyscraper SimCity 
3000 scene
front front, detailed bottom back, detailed SimCity 3000 scene
Eclectic Highrise (added June 22, 1999) - click on thumbnails to access images.
- Download Eclectic Highrise .bld file here.
Eclectic Highrise front Eclectic Highrise front 
detail Eclectic Highrise rear Eclectic Highrise SimCity 3000 
front front, detailed back SimCity 3000 scene
Citicorp Center (New York; Hugh Stubbins, 1977) (added July 8, 1999) - click on thumbnails to access images.
- Download Citicorp Center .bld file here.
Citicorp Center front Citicorp Center, SimCity 3000 
scene St Peter's Lutheran Church, front 
front (not a thumbnail) SimCity 3000 scene St Peter's Lutheran Church; front, detailed

SCURK images updated February 2, 2000

Highrise Apartment NEW High Rise Apartment
This is a highrise apartment I made up myself.  It's a post-modern style building.  The other buildings are other apartments.

A SCURK compatible .gif file is available here.

Carson, Pirie, 
Scott & Co. Store Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co. Store (Chicago; Louis Henry Sullivan, 1899; addition by Daniel Burnham & Co., 1906)
Louis Henry Sullivan's buildings are noted for their ornate exteriors.  Sullivan also coined the axiom "form follows function."  The first two stories of the Carson, Pirie, Scott Store (formerly Schlesinger and Mayer department store) are ornately decorated, a typical Sullivan design.  However, the form of the upper stories follows much more the function of the building's steel structure, thus providing the Carson, Pirie, Scott Store a modern sleekness that few 19th century highrise buildings can match.  The Carson, Pirie, Scott Store was Louis Henry Sullivan's last major commission.

The brown building next to the Carson, Pirie, Scott Store is based on a building I saw in photographs of the Carson , Pirie, Scott Store.  The building is turned 90 degrees so that it can fit in a 4x4 tile.  I guessed about most of the rooftop details of both buildings.

A SCURK compatible .gif file is available here.

Proposed Chicago Tribune 
Building Proposed Chicago Tribune Building (Chicago; Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer, 1922)
Walter Gropius was the founder of the design school Bauhaus.  Bauhaus joined art with modern industry to create a modern, functional aesthetic.  The simple lines, large expanse of glass and relative lack of ornamentation of this building design, submitted by Gropius for the Chicago Tribune Building competition of 1922, was typical of Bauhaus architectural style, and stood in stark contrast to the more florid styles typically used in U.S. skyscrapers during the 1920s.  The Chicago Tribune picked Raymond Hood's Gothic inspired design.

The lowrise rear section of the proposed building is not included in this SCURK version.  I guessed about the colors and roof details of the building.

A SCURK compatible .gif file is available here.

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