Father of the Year

The National Fatherhood Initiative named Michael father of the year. Michael currently has one baby girl (Annie Mae), and a son on the way.

"Just before the end of the tour, I flew from San Francisco to Washington D.C. for an evening banquet to receive the Father of the Year Award from the National Fatherhood Initiative. Annie Mae, Lisa, our families and close friends attended the banquet. They honor fathers who are involved, dedicated, committed, and take on the responsibilities of good parenting. I am very proud of this award and will continue to try to live up to this title. Among the other honorees this year and previous years: Kirk Cameron, Alan Thick Tom Selleck and Evander Holyfield."

Quote from www.michaelweiss.org

For more information about The National Fatherhood Initiative, visit their webpage: www.fatherhood.org

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