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This is the new page for Janette's non vampire ficcies. If you want the vampires,please go to The NocturneIf you want the non vamp fics, you are in the right place. All the vampire fics are gone from here and when I get this page up, all my non-Black Widower fics will be here.

Realize, this is still yaoi. As in pretty boy and pretty boy. As in lemon is very possible and pretty likely.

I will be updating this site more often because now I have a home compie.

If you are not 18, and don't like yaoi, this is not the place for you. You better go somewhere you're more comfortable, like one of those egroups mailing lists where they rant about the evils of yaoi.

If you like yaoi and lemon, and are old enough to be here,  entrez vous .

Fics and characters are the property of Janette.