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undefined If I Were The King Of The World


If I Were The
King Of The World

If I were the king of the world,
I'd make homework against the law.
I'd allow kids to get into "R" rated movies.
I'd drink chicken soup through a straw.

If I were the king of the world,
There would be only one food group: sweets.
TV would show nothing but funny cartoons
and gumdrops would cover the streets.

If I were the king of the world,
my friends would bow down at my feet.
No teachers could force me to take any tests,
and my mom couldn't make me be neat.

If I were the king of the world,
everything would be calm and serene.
I'd be totally free - no restrictions on me!
(As long as there wasn't a queen).

(C) 1998, Arden Davidson

I am trying to find a publisher or agent
to represent any or all of the stories and poems
in "A Pocketful of Rhymes".
If you know anyone that can help, or have comments,
please e-mail me.Thanks!