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It's me...Dodgem!!......................... Dodgem's Little Shack


A Message from Dodgem!

Hi! My handle is Dodgem on the AM band and I go by the call of Delta 250 on the lower side of channel 40. I transmit from the town of Indian Head, Maryland which is located on the western side of Charles County.

I use several different radios in my base set-up. My main radio is a Cobra-148GTL that is used with a Paradynamics PDC-67 Base Microphone. My second in line is a Radio Shack TRC-495 base unit that I was using with an Astatic D104-Silver Eagle, but, I have recently wired up an Astatic Echomax 2000 which is the one I talk on in the shop when I'm fixin' everyone's broken down radios. I also have new in my arsenal a Cobra 29 ltd., a Galaxy Mirage 88 with an Astatic D104-M6B, a spare Grant XL, and a RCI 600 marine unit.

My third in the line-up, is the first CB radio I ever bought about 18 years ago is a Sears Roadtalker 40 #932-38081700, with just a replaced stock mic. The antenna I use on my base is just a 102" fiberglass whip. It's not at all the top of the line, but it sure does get through the skip and DX. My real pride is my Uniden Grant XL I run with a power, echo, rodger beep mic. by Super Star. That's my mobile unit and the radio I have the most fun talking on. If you have an questions about the hobby or want some modifications or whatever, email me and I'll see what I can do to help.

I talk on channel 10 and often on channels 13 & 32 also. My home channel is 10 and just about any hour of the day you can find me there talking to my favorite CB buddies like 620, Hack-Saw, Night Crawler, Catapiller, Casper, Midnight Blue, Boss Lady, Red Elvis, and as always my life long CB pal "Undertaker". Meet everyone else at the MWDXClub. And I cannot forget those CB packin' officers of the "Charles County Sheriffs Department"!! Sometimes the love of my life even gets in there and gives everyone a hard time, "964" !! (watch out for her, she's a trouble maker ! (just kidding)... That's one thing I enjoy the most about the CB radio - It's a fun hobby and you can meet many great people.

I now own a Galaxy Radio, but I've got a lot of friends who do and they often go to the "freeband" to escape the trash on the regular channels and they always get lost trying to catch up with each other. So...620 and I had a brainstorm!! We've never seen a frequency chat for Galaxies, have you? Well...thanks to us, you will now! Check out our Galaxy Frequencies and if you're looking for some good Modifications, be sure to visit "Snake Doctor"! Here's a couple links to some really good modification information that you can enjoy. But I warn you !! as a repair tech. myself, I do post this as reference only! DO NOT attempt to tune up your own radio! For the well being of your radio and the sake of your wallet! OK...here's the links: #1-Modulation Mod Charts and #2-Bayshore Network. Are you a Free-Bander? If so, you should see this! And of course, the almighty Mic. Wiring link. No CB page would be complete without one!!

Goldmine or Jack-Pot - Whatever you want to call it! If you're looking for modifications, you have got to take a trip to the "CB CITY"! This link has all there is to offer with more on the way! "Attention Newcomers To The CB World": In my many searches throughout the internet I have been seeking the best information possible to help those of you who are new to the hobby of Citizens Band Radio communications. I have found the door to answer and inform many of you who desire to know many of the basics of the hobby. Please take some time to visit the "FireStik Library".

"OK! now let's have a little test. I told myself, "Dodgem, how can I add a little interactiveness to make my page a learning experience and fun at the same time to help those new-comers with the new language of their hobby"? Well,I said to myself, "Self, let's make 'em Study and then we'll Test'em". Good Luck !! And for you CB radio operators interested in maybe one day giving the amature radio thing a try, go to the best resourse I've found for a practice exam "HamExam".

Are you in the market to buy, sell, trade or is there a piece of equipment you want or maybe you have a question without an answer? Visit my "Swap it Shop" page. All you have to do is just post a message or respond to a message. I only permit the acts of buying, selling, trading, question asking, and products wanted to take place on my site. Don't forget to check back here often 'cause you never know when someone may have a deal for you or an answer to your questions. So, enjoy what I have to offer and 'till next time, I'll be "Readin' the Mail"!!


Please visit some of my Favorite Links

Thomas Distributing
Copper Electronics
Bills 2 Way Communications
Radiowave Connection
Popular communications Magazine
Maryland Frequency Database
Frequency Archive
Stupid Scanner Tricks
CB Link Driectory
Drop the MAUL on the mud-duck
Workman Electronics
Scanning USA
The Muddy Water DX Club
QRZ Database
Modification Database
CB Circuit Diagrams
So Md Amature Radio Club
Build An RF Amp

Visit DXZone - Click here

Are you into scanning the airwaves? I certainly am and I have compiled thousands of frequency lists over the years. I have a PRO-2037 and an old Realistic Patrolman PRO-77 crystal scanner in my base set-up and I use a Bearcat BC-350A in my mobile set-up. If you ever need any frequency and can't find it, just email me and I'll get it. Turn on my scanner and DX to the Charles County Frequencies.

Check out this great link to locate frequencies in your area. It's my favorite database resource - all free from the PerCon Corporation.

Here's a link you're gonna love if you're new at the scanning hobby and want to hear the scoop in your neighborhood. Try the "Common Frequencies" from the National Frequency Database. Just remember this, "If you hear it, Keep it to yourself!" (that's legal!)

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