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For Expectant and Pregnant Moms-to-Be!!:)(:

A baby from conception on!!:)(:
Baby Center!!:)(:
My homepage!!:)(:
Baby talk!!:)(:
Back to my third page!!:)(:
Back to my fourth page!!:)(:

HI! Glad that you came. This site is specifically for information on and about pregnancy. This is not a medical advice channel, but it is a site that can gear you up on what's coming in the early, mid, last, and post stages of your pregnancy. I, myself, am pregnant with my # 3 child. I have 2 other children living Daniel: 7 yrs and Carrington: 11 mths. My due date is Feb 10th, 2001. I am hoping for another girl this time. Don't ask me why, but I believe little girls are easier to raise, not to mention you can dress them up. So if you would like to meet up with me, I would be honored:) Take Care and I hope you all enjoy:)

You can find me hear:
Either by ICQ: (19729609) or on MOL

Momsonline Chat - Please stop by and visit. This is a great g-rated chat community that is filled with a lot of parents just like ourselves. So come in and take a peek!

Babies Online FREE Birth Announcements - Create a web page for your new baby, complete with pictures, instantly and for free! Tons of other great (and free!) stuff for new and expectant parents too, so check it out!!

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