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Michael Haley Purchases Indiana Property

Warranty Deed
Clinton, County, Indiana
May 21, 1856

By this Deed, We, John and Sarah Nier, wife of John Nier, of Clinton County, in the State of Indiana, Convey and Warrant to Michael Haley, of Clinton County, in the State of Indiana, for the Sum of one thousand dollars, the following Real Estate in Clinton County, in the State of Indiana, to wit:

The South West quarter of the South East quarter of Section thirty-five (35) in Township twenty-one (21) North, of Range two (2) East, in the district of lands subject to sale at Indianapolis, Indiana, Containing forty (40) acres, more or less. Also the North half of the North East quarter of Section No. two (2) in Township No. twenty (20) North, of Range No. two (2) East, Containing sixty-three and 19/100 acres, more or less.

In witness whereof, the Said John Nier and Sarah Nier, wife of John Nier, have herewith Set their hands and seals, this thirty-first day of May A.D., 1856.

John Nier (Seal)
Sarah (her 'X' mark) Nier (Seal)

The State of Indiana
Clinton County//Scb.
Before me, James Fitchpatrick, a Justice of the Peace in and for Said County, came John and Sarah Nier, wife of John Nier, and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Deed. Witness my hand and Seal, this thirty-first day of May 1856.

James Fitchpatrick (Seal)
Justice of the Peace

Recorded June 9, 1856
At 9 A.M., C.I. Miller, Clerk

Email: Jack Healey

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