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Concert Experience From a Girl Who Had Front Row Seats

I had front row seats to this concert. While we were waiting in line, they had the radio playing, "I Want You Back" came on. Everyone started screaming and singing the song, then they finally opened the doors. Britney Spears opened for them. She was okay, but I didn't really pay any attention because I wanted to see *N Sync that bad! Then the lights shut off, and everyone started screaming as loud as they could, I couldn't even breathe because I was one of the loudest screaming! And then, *N Sync came out in their light-up space suits. They started to play the Star Wars theme and they did a little dance, but the music stopped. The speakers blew out! So, they had to tell the guys what happened and they left the stage. Then they finally got the speakers fixed and *N Sync came back out. They did a totally different dance then the first time. Then they took off their helmets and did "Crazy For You." They took their space suits off and they had on jerseys and black wind pants on underneath (Justin of course had baby blue on!). Then, when they did a few songs, they changed into a black blazer with white or red shirts on with black pants. Then Justin took his jacket off, he had on a white tank top on! Then, Joey threw his black jersey out in the audience. At the end of the concert, I threw my friends letter up on the stage for her. JC was in the way so I tried not to hit him! It landed right in front of him. He tried to catch it but it was already on the floor. He look where I was standing and he blew me a kiss and waved to me! Before they left, JC started doing flips and he wouldn't leave the stage, so Joey came out and carried him off the stage. That was the end of the concert.