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Zara Maria's Keanuland!!!

I'd like to take this time to thank everyone for their letters of support and Keanu trivia. It's a big help. Keep up the good work!!!

This site is dedicated to the great and powerful Mr. Reeves. Those of you who know him, welcome. And those of you who don't, you'll learn. Have fun and please e-mail me and tell me what you think and what you know.

This is Keanu. Say hi.

Wanna see a list (and summaries) of all Keanu's movies?

How 'bout all the Keanu pictures you'll ever need?

Here's a biography of Keanu Charles Reeves!!!

You gotta check out The Keanu Closet Poll!!!

How can you resist a kiss from Keanu?!?

Many thanks to my friends, supporters, and especially to Romeo Rainbow's Keanu Reeves Ring of Fire and his Pic of the Day Club, both of which have unwittingly supplied many pics and important tidbits of Keanu Trivia.

Keep checking back for Matrix pics, awesome links, and much more.

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The Keanu Ring of Fire is owned by Romeo Rainbow.
