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CROCKETT'S PHOTOGRAPHY Presents, 'The Photo Of The Day'
July 13-15, 2002, Photo-Of-The-Day:
"Whitetail Buck"

I give my wife credit for this shot. She saw the deer and pointed it out to me. It's a handsome specimen to, sporting its new rack of velvet-covered antlers.

I took the shot while driving along the wildlife drive at Assateague, Virginia. I used a Pentax PZ-1P SLR camera mated with a Tokina 80-200 mm autofocus zoom lens. The exposure was on Kodak MAX 400 film. No camera settings were recorded.

Click here to see a larger image displayed in a new browser window.

There are other images of sunsets , and other scenic images as well, located on the screen saver page.

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CROCKETT'S PHOTOGRAPHY - Outdoor and Nature photography by Lester M. Crockett, Jr.

A Note on using my images: You' re welcome to use these images for personal use only.

Copyright © 1997-2001, Crockett's Photography. All Rights Reserved.