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I have put up some of my favorite recipes...feel free to submit some of yours for consideration!

I will try to change recipes as the seasons change.


Carmelize 3/4 cups of sugar in a pan. In a separate bowl beat six eggs until lemon colored. Add 3/4 cups of sugar, 1 quart whole milk and 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla. Mix thoroughly. Pour mixture into a pan (on top of the carmelized sugar). Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour (or longer) until knife inserted into flan comes out clean. This is the real stuff, smooth and light. Enjoy!

1/2 Cup Shortening, 1 1/2 Cups Sugar, 1 tsp. Vanilla, 2 well-beaten eggs, 2 Cups Cake Flour, 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. baking soda, 4 tblsp. sour milk, 1 Cup Banana Pulp (2 1/2 - 3 bananas)
To Sour Milk: Add 1 tblsp. vinegar to 1 cup milk. (or use 1/3 tblsp. lemon juice) 4 tblsp. = 1/3 cup
Cream shortening & sugar thoroughly; add vanilla & eggs. Beat until fluffy. Add flour, sift with salt and baking soda. (Alternate with the milk and banana pulp, beating well after each addition). Use 8x8x2 pan and bake at 350 degrees for 60 mins or until toothpick inserted in cake comes out clean. Yummy!

In small heavy saucepan over low heat, melt 8 ounces semisweet chocolate chips and 2/3 cup heavy cream. Off heat, beat in 2 tablespoons butter. Freeze until firm. Roll 2 tablespoons mixture around a chocolate kiss; toss in unsweetened cocoa powder to coat. Chill before indulging. Makes about 12 to 14 truffles. Quick and satifying for your chocolate cravings!


Beef short ribs, soup meat and beef bones, Goodman's vegetable soup mix with barley and alphabet noodles, onion (scored), celery, carrots, fresh parsely, fresh dill to taste, salt, pepper to taste, water, 1 diced potato,
Wash meat, bones and ribs and put in pot - add 8 cups of water. Bring to a boil. Skim off fatty film that forms on top. Add Add onion, celery, carrots, potato and soup mix. Cook until meat is soft - flavor with the spices. Cook until spices blend in and make the soup aromatic. Enjoy!

CUBAN CHICKEN AND RICE (an old family recipe)
1 chicken cut up, 1 onion cut up, 1 can tomato sauce, 1 can diced tomatos, 1 1/2 cups Long grain Rice (not instant), 1 can baby peas or 2 cups frozen peas, salt, pepper, saffron and paprika to taste
Brown onion in oil in a big pot. Wash and salt the chicken. Brown chicken on all sides. Sprinkle with paprika and pepper. Add the can of tomato sauce and diced tomatos with its juice. When chicken gets soft, remove it and keep it warm. Add rice to liquid and add some water if necessary. Cook rice until soft. When rice is soft, add peas and saffron. Simmer until peas are soft. Add chicken to rewarm and then serve when chicken is warm. Note: As rice cooks add boiled water to the pot whenever necessary to prevent burning. Simmer on low heat to cook rice and stir often.

Cut up chicken parts - skinned, fresh yams - cut in chunks (leave on skins), 1/4 Cup Rum or Brandy (optional), 2 handfuls of raisins, 1 onion chopped, brown sugar, cinnamon, thyme, cracked or ground ginger to taste, butter or margarine, 1/2 Cup water with 2 tsp. catsup mixed in,
Place chicken in an oven safe casserole dish. Pour rum or brandy over chicken. Let sit and marinate awhile. Sprinkle with thyme. Pour in water mixture. Place yams around chicken sprinkle them with cinnamon. Toss in raisins and ginger. Sprinkle the top of everything with brown sugar. Cover with aluminum foil and cook 1/2 hr. Uncover and check that gravy is covering the meat. Add water if necessary. Dot yams with butter or magarine and then recover and cook another 1/2 hr. or until yams are tender and meat is cooked.


Wine is a very subjective thing. Everyone's taste is different so it is hard to tell you what is best. Of course, I have my favorites and, if you want to know more, please feel free to email me and I will talk wine with you. Just don't whine to me about my choices because, afterall, I am entitled to my opinion! (evil grin) Some of my most favorite wines come from California (Amador, Napa and Sonoma Counties) and Washington State. Zinfindel grapes are grown in Amador County so some of the best White and Red Zinfindels in the world come directly from there. Napa and Sonoma truck in the Zinfindel grapes and make some good Zinfindel wines too. Mumm Winery specializes in sparkling wines and have just come of age this year as far as quality goes. I was impressed enough to join their wine of the month club after recently attending a tasting. Washington state makes some great Gewerztraminers and Johannisberg Rieslings. Check out Chateau Ste. Michelle. All of their wines are excellent and affordable. Lately I have discovered a few wines from Spain and France that I think are worthy of mentioning too. Try a Rioja like Marques de Arienzo from Spain or a Mouton Cadet like Rothschild (from France) and tell me what you think.


Recipes Online!
Chocolate, Chocolate & More Chocolate!
Just Desserts!
The Gourmet Connection
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Wines On The Internet
Wine Country Gourmet Recipes
The Wine Zone
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