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McClatchy Family Genealogy Center

Table of Contents

Welcome to the new McClatchy Family Resource Center! This page is intended to provide a focal point for people researching the McClatchy surname in all its various spellings in various countries around the world. If you have a file, database, bit of history, genealogical file, cemetery record, will, or other item that is of interest to McClatchy family researchers, please share! Working together we can help all of us. We are happy to link to your home page or other MCCLATCHY family resource.

Page established: 28 July 1998, maintained by Beau Bowen.

(We are not satisfied with Angelfire services and are looking for a different host. Stay tuned for updates.)

McClatchy Family Links and Useful Resources

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Surname Web - General
Genforum - General
McClatchy Family Forum - Genforum
Southern Cousins and Yankee In-Laws (including McClatchy)
McClatchey Family Burials
History of the McClatchy Name
McLatchy Web Page
Local Names (Ireland): MCCLATCHY
McClatchie-Welsh Family Page
Carmichael Worldwide Database
