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Columbine High School Memorial Page
April 20, 2002 marks the third anniversary of
the tragedy at Columbine
Keep all the Victims in your Prayers

William "Dave" Sanders 47
Corey Depooter 17
Isaiah Shoals 18
Rachel Scott 17
John Tomlin 16
Lauren Townsend 18
Steven Curnow 14
Cassie Bernall 17
Kelly Fleming 16
Matthew Ketcher 16
Daniel Mauser 15
Kyle Velasquez
Daniel Rohrbough 15

by Sandy

Love isn't something, we hold in our hand.
Love is a feeling, in the heart of man.

We have love for our father, and love for our mother,
But why can't we learn, to have love for each other.

It's so easy to love, someone just like us,
But if he's alittle different, we sure make a fuss!

What is the difference, if we're black or white,
When you get down to it, we're all alike!

So let's join hands, and learn to love,
Then we will surely please, our creator above!


Another great memorial page

All of the shooting victims have been released from the hospital

Updated March 10, 2000


The following is a list of those injured and released from the hospital:

Vallen Schnurr, 18

Mark Taylor, 16

Lisa Kreutz, 18

Mark Kintgen, 17

Jeanna Park, 18

Michael Johnson, 15

Kasey Ruegsegger, 17

Makai Hall, 16

Jennifer Doyle, 17

Stephanie Munson, 17

Adam Kyler, 16


Stephen Austin Banks

Nick Foss, 18


Dan Steepleton, 17


Joyce Jankowski, 45

Pat Nielson, 35

Brian Anderson, 17

Nicole Nowlen, 16

Lance Kirklin




The following is part of an E-Mail that I received….

It is not our place on this earth to judge anyone for any reason,
and those 2 lost souls needed more praying than anyone could ever imagine.
I found it so interesting that only 6 people (2 of whom were the parents)
attended the funeral service for one of the shooters...maybe we should all
stop and say a prayer for those 2 families who not only lost their sons - but
the memories of son's who they have now found they did not even
about tortured heart truly goes out to those parents who are
now left accountable for their children's actions...Can you even imagine
what a burden they must bear...I am truly sorry for the families of the
victims also, but to forgive is divine and it is the responsibility of
all of us to spread THAT message.........


Dylan Klebold, 17
Eric Harris, 18

These are the suspects in the shooting, Remember them and their families in your prayers

by Cherilayne

I - for the intelligence you possessed
S - for sharing yourself with others
A - for always being sweet and kind
I - for infinity for you live on
A - for the angel that you are
H - for Heaven where you now reside

Although I never met you
My heart you touched
As your father talked of you
His love for you
Came shining through
A special son you certainly were
Loved so much
By all you touched
I myself will remember you always
As you look from up above
Send your parents all your love
There guardian angel you are now
Watch over them, and keep them safe
Until they too, come through Heavens gate

Cherilayne ©1999

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Memorial Page for Officers who died in the Line of Duty
Baltimore County Police Department

Click on banner to visit spunky's memorial page

In Honour of Columbine High School

A Prayer For The Children

click on image to hear "Columbine, Friend of Mine"

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Please feel free to contact me
Thank You
M Davis

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graphic credits: Scott Docherty, Redhare Graphics and Tom Clark