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Butterflies and Magic Spells

Butterflies and Magick Spells

If a butterfly flaps its wings in China, in Central Park you get rain instead of sun shine. Ever heard that expression? It is an example of how tiny variations can affect our world. Now imagine that the butterfly knew of its power and consciously decided how to direct the force of its fluttering. Now you've got a power that rivals El Nino.

The same is true of spells. All humans send out their energy with their hopes and fears that affect their lives. For those people who realize their own power powerful manifestations are possible.

As far as I know there has never been a scientific study of spells, but studies have been done on its spiritual cousin, prayer. The patients didn't even know that some of them were being prayed for, but those that were the focus of the prayers recovered faster that those that hadn't been.

Don't take my word for the power you have to affect your world. Try this experiment:

Prepare three sets of flower pots with soil from the same source and pea plant seeds from the same envelope. Water them equally and place them where they will receive equal amounts of sunlight. Do nothing to the first pot; try to not even think about it at all. For fifteen minutes every day take the second pot aside and think positive thoughts at it; think how powerful the growing plants are, what a glorious world they are becoming a part of, any positive thought you can think of. For fifteen minutes every day take the third pot aside and think negative thoughts at it; think how weak the seedlings are, how horrible the world would be to any plant that dared to grow, any negative thought you can think of. Watch the plants progress over the next several weeks. When I did this experiment the plants that I thought positive thoughts too grew very fast and tall. The plants I left on their own grew at less than half the rate as the ones that received the positive energy. What happened to the plants that I thought negative things to? Only one seedling broke the surface and it was so scrawny that it couldn't even shed its shell to release its leaves.

When the experiment was over I felt guilty about the plants that I had sent negative energy to, so I started sending positive thoughts to all of the little plants. The seeds that were in the negative group quickly sprouted over the next few days and weeks and became healthy plants.

What does this teach us? First of all, your thoughts can help or harm the people and the world around you, even if you never say or do anything. Wield your thoughts carefully. Secondly, if a mere fifteen minutes of thinking a day can vastly affect the growth of plants, imagine how you can change your life, this whole world, if you consciously focus that power through your prayers and spellwork.

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