Well, if you are here, you probably already know somewhat about why.
I'm am what you might call a werewolf. Maybe, if you know more, you may
call me a lycanthrope. I personally just consider myself to be a wolf.
A wolf trapped in the body of a human. Why? I don't know for sure. There
are many different veiws on this subject. One of the reasons that #forest
was formed was to discuss these views. I personally believe in reincarnation
and I'm back in this lifetime to do something about wolf hunters. I don't know
it's a possibility.
Here is the #forest faq
There will be more to come, but while you are waiting, you can check out links to other
lycanthrope sites.
And, more about me.
Or, you can take a look at a book in the making
Of course, I also recomend the parody on human stupidity
In the spirit of Syllfor's story New beginings is a story I'm working on, and might finish eventually, as a sequel to it. Any name suggestions, mail me.
You are the person to be interested in lycanthropes
Mail me!