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O'Rourke Arms Breifne-O'Rourke Nouveau O'Rourke Arms

O'Rourke Arms O'Rourke Arms O'Rourke Arms O'Rourke Arms O'Rourke Arms

But to see her was to love her,
Love but her, and love forever.
Had we never lov'd sae kindly,
Had we never lov'd sae blindly,
Never met--or never parted--
We had ne'er been brokenhearted.

For Nature made her what she is,
And never made another.

Robert Burns, from Ae Fond Kiss

Personal Information

Sean Christopher O'Rourke, B.A., P.W.D., C.F.J., C.F.P.S.T.
Undergraduate Student
The Johns Hopkins University
Departments of German & Romance Languages
3400 N. Charles Street, Box 0652
Baltimore, MD 21218

The Johns Hopkins UniversityYale UniversityYale University Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

The Johns Hopkins University

The Johns Hopkins UniversityThe Johns Hopkins University

Hello and welcome to Breifne-O'Rourke (also West Breifne, and the former name of a small kingdom/principality which lay in present-day Leitrim and Cavan and parts of other surrounding counties in the province of Connaught in Ireland. It was ruled by the O'Rourkes from about 950 A.D. to the early 1600s. The O'Rourkes also aspired to the kingship of Connaught on several occasions in the tenth and eleventh centuries. Disputes between Tiernan O'Rourke, King of Breifne, and Dermot MacMurrough, King of Leinster, over Dermot's abduction of Tiernan's wife led to the Norman invasion of Ireland in 1166. Little did these two kings know that this event would spearhead centuries of devastating English presence in Ireland.)...Nouveau.

I am currently a senior at the Johns Hopkins University (the place to be if you want to experience "exquisite tenderness" at its finest) in the great city of Baltimore and originally hail from Maryland's beautiful Eastern Shore. I am a junior year inductee of Phi Beta Kappa. Currently I am a double major, Bachelor of Arts candidate in German and Romance Languages, concentrate in theoretical (mainly phonetics and generative, auto-/suprasegmental phonology in conjunction with Optimality Theory) and diachronic linguistics (Dept. of Cognitive Science), and study Italian, Russian, Latin, and Chinese as well. While at Hopkins I have been fortunate enough to be able to study under such eminent scholars and researchers as Luigi Burzio, Paul Smolensky, and Géraldine Legendre in the Cognitive Science (linguistics) Department, David Wellbery (my advisor) and Rochelle Tobias in German, Peter Jusczyk in Psychology and Cognitive Science (child language acquisition), Stephen Nichols, Gérard Defaux, Jacques Neefs, and Bernard Cerquiglini in Romance Languages (French), George Wilson in Philosophy (philosophy of language), and Rudy Lentulay (Russian), with his "diglot narrative weave" method, and Director Donald Clark (also of the German Dept.) of the Language Teaching Center. I plan to attend the University of Ottawa's School of Translation and Interpretation for an accelerated B.A. in Translation and then (knock on wood!!!) the University of Heidelberg (Germany) or the University of Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle for a doctorate. Or perhaps a doctorate in linguistics at MIT, the University of Chicago, Stanford, Yale, UCLA, Cambridge University, or Oxford University. My future plans are to work as a technical/scientific and financial translator in the pharmaceutical industry or as a linguistic analyst/translator with the federal government's Intelligence Community (if I go the translation route), or as a professor of linguistics or a research scientist for a private enterprise such as Xerox PARC, Lucent/Bell Labs, Texas Instruments, Haskins Labs (at Yale), Celera, SRI International, etc. (if I go the linguistics route)...I recently discovered that the Pope himself "majored" in linguistics in Krakow, Poland (in addition to becoming fluent in seven or so languages). Those are pretty big footsteps to follow in, wouldn't you say!!?? So much for keeping it short!

Merci beaucoup, grazie, and Vielen Dank!


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on the Web.

Pictures of Paris, Dinan (Brittany),
and Omaha Beach (Normandy) in France
and Muenster, Germany to follow soon...
that is, if my sister ever develops the 30
roles of film we took last summer!

Please come back!!!!

This page is still under construction
Please visit THE place to be for more info on O'Rourke
family genealogy and history, the home of the O'Ruairc Clan.

© 1999, 2000, Sean C. O'Rourke.

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