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Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem
(In the Name of ALLAH, The Beneficent, The Merciful.)
Assalam u Alaikum
(May You be in Peace and Tranquility)
The Web Book of Knowledge

The Site is devoted to Spiritual Knowledge. To provide information of every spiritual aspect in one place is the aim. We seek knowledge, and wish to spread, what we find, to the masses. If you like this site, please tell others. Our Aim should be to spread information to every corner of the universe. Please join hands in this noble cause. My goal is to spread information and so should yours be too.
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Happy New Year to Everyone.
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The Sections, Stories, Thoughts, Flashing News, Various Quotes, Humor and Music Resources have been put up. Explore and Enjoy.

A thorough guide to make your own Astrological Chart Reading. A complete guideline for beginners. Moreover links to Free horoscope Charts, Natal Charts, Compatibility and personal reports. Email us your queries and problems if any.

Poetry Corner. Some good thoughtful and inspirational poetry from authors who wish to share their inspiration with the world. If you have some you want to share, just send us an Email and we'll do the rest of the job for you.

My Totem - Black Panther
Zeus Productions
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