POST NEWSLETTER (News Release - Ground Breaking Announcement)
LET'S HAVE SOME FUN (Post Activities)
Post Photo Album (Coming Soon!!)
American Legion Headquarters
American Legion Department of MD
V.A. Maryland Health Care Center
Our Favorite Links (Updated 06/20/2009)
EMBLEM SALES (Online Legion Catalog)
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Our Meeting Nights: Executive: 1st Thursday of each month, at 7PM. Normal: 3rd Tuesday of each month, at 8PM.
In 1952 a group of Black war veterans from Catonsville decided to form an American Legion Post. The Post was chartered with the help of then Vice Commander John Stewart of Post #19 in Baltimore. Once functional Post #263 assisted the community with financial contributions. The churches were among the first of the community to benefit from the Post, but other community organizations soon benefited as well.
The Post was named after two Catonsville residents, Charles Jackson and Henry Johnson. Post #263 became known as the Jackson and Johnson Memorial Post because Henry Johnson paid the ultimate price, he lost his life while stationed on a ship that was torpedoed in the Pacific during WW II.
We began with a membership of fifteen and have grown to a present membership of over 200 dues paying members.We also proudly boast the dedicated support of our Jackson and Johnson Auxiliary Unit # 263 and SAL members. Which in itself has a strong history since their charters were estabished in 1953. Our Post still proudly supports the community, churches and youth programs to this day.
Our Past Post Commanders : Upsur S. Webb Sr. William I. Forman Charles G. Henson James Rheubottom William Holley Thomas N. Randall, Jr. James C. Williams Richard R. Gaine Samuel Hall Henry Bruce Russell Bacon Emerson Boston Charles Davis Joseph Barnes Jerome Coates Dorsey Kelly John D. Copeland Isaac A. Johnson Larry Grant On June 13, 1998, we honored our Present and Past Commanders during a Special Banquet.
- SUPPORT OUR TROOPS. Post 263 presents Blue Star Banners to the Post members presently serving on Active Duty. Click here . A small token to our finest young men and women are serving in harms way on our behalf in places thousands of miles from our shores.
- Commander’s Note!! .. We finally did it!! A MAJOR MILESTONE ACHIEVED !! Post Official Grand Opening planned for April 11, 2009..Ron Alston – Post Commander". This is going to be a Historical year for us!!
- Military Links.. Please go to "Our Favorite Links" page.
Volunteers Needed ! Come by the Post and lend a hand.
MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION AND ELIGIBILITY If you are currently on active duty or have served during any of the eligible war eras as shown below and were honorably discharged, you're eligible to become a Legionnaire! Place of service is not material but the dates and character of service are.We invite you to join our Post now. Membership in The American Legion includes many benefits. For a complete list of benefits, see the National Headquarters web site. Membership in The American Legion is open to all US veterans who served at least one day of honorable active federal service during any of the following periods:
World War I 4/6/17 - 11/11/18
World War II 12/7/41 - 12/31/46
Merchant Marine 12/7/41 - 08/15/45
Korea 6/25/50 - 1/31/55
Vietnam 2/28/61 - 5/7/75
Grenada, Lebanon 8/24/82 - 7/31/84
Panama 12/20/89 - 1/31/90
Persian Gulf 8/2/90 - Cessation of hostilities as
determined by the US Government
To join, stop by the Post, complete a short application form, pay the first year dues (Post 263 dues are $27.00 per year), and submit proof of eligibility. Proof of eligibility is a copy of your DD-214 (prior to Vietnam, other forms were used such as DD-256, DD-257, and DD-217). Which ever form is submitted, it must show dates of active duty. Note that the Discharge Certificate may not be sufficient since in many cases it does not show the actual dates of active duty. For World War II Merchant Marine, you must have a copy of your DD-214 from the Army, Navy or Coast Guard granting you veteran's status. If you have any questions concerning your eligibility for membership, please call the Post or stop by. We will also be
glad to answer your questions via e-mail. Alvin (Al) D. Jenkins our First Vice Commander handles membership, but any Post member will take your application.
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This site maintained by Ivory N. Harris (Executive Board Member) Last Update: October 26, 2010