
Disciplines: Celerity, Fortitude, Luminus da Dea

Advantages: Nephilm have the ability to "sense" whether there is In fernal or Sacred energies in a given area. The sense does not pin-point the source of the energies, but allows the Nephilim to determine if there is the presence of such energies in their vicinity. The type of energy that the Nephilim senses is dependant on the Nephilims alignment; IE: An infernal Nephilim senses holy energy.

Disadvantage: Nephilim are two traits down on all Dominate challenges.

*There may be more disadvantages, but I currently do not have all information about the Nephilim.

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Luminas da Dea


Eyes of the Apocalypse: By looking into a targets eyes and winning a direct Mental challenge, the Nephilim can show her victim a glimpse of their own personal apocolypse, freezing them in a state of fear. This power lasts three rounds or until the target is placed in immediate danger.

Heaven's Fury / Fires of Hades: By winning a Mental challenge versus her targets Physical, the Nephilim may hurl an orb of Holy light / Infernal energy from her hands. This orb does one point of Aggravated damage and has a range of thirty yards.


Divine Flight / Demonic Flight: The Nephilim ma grow large feathery / bat-like wings that grant a flight speed of six steps per action. The wings cost one point of blood to activate and may be shed at will. Shedded wings crumble into nothingness within one round. Should a Nephilim have her wings ripped off, she suffers two points of Aggravated damage per wing.


Heaven's Healing touch / Hell's Favored Grasp: The Nephilim may heal Aggravated damage on herself or others with this discipline. By spending a point of blood and succeeding in a simple test, she may heal up to two points of damage to herself or up to four points of damage on someone else each night (Basically there are four healing points allotted to the Nephilim each night, healing others takes up one point, healing yourself costs two points).