Welcome To The Watchdog MMPRF Home Page
Welcome to our new home on the Net. This page is dedicated to providing information, resources and links related to the U.S. Merchant Marine.
Please enter your e-mail address in the box and click the join button below to join the MMPRF discussion group, (a new group, which is still under construction).
Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.
Please come back and visit again! Use the links below to reach other Maritime related sites.
Pertinent Links
http://iommp.listbot.com - An Already Established MMP Discussion Group
http://siurf.listbot.com-Seafarers Int'l Union Rank & File Discussion Group
http://netins.net/showcase/seajustice-Seamen's Justice Center
http://web.inw.net/~pridger/sea/maritime.htm-Window on the Web for merchant mariners and the nautically inclined
http://www.USMM.org - American Merchant Marine at war.
http://www.bridgedeck.org - Official site of The International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots
Master Mate & Pilot Rank & File Forum
- By using the join button on this page you will be joining an un-edited, un-moderated discussion group hosted by members of the MMP Watchdog Committee. Unlike closed sites and newspapers you will not be limited to 200 words or have your comments edited. Of course, if members who opt to sign up do not make their viewpoints and comments known, this page will remain relatively blank. This is your Forum. Please use it.
- The links above will connect you to the archives and join page of the IOMMP Discussion Group, started by a rank & file MMP Offshore active member. It has been in existence since early winter 1999 and it's archives grow as members become aware of it's existence. You are invited to send in your comments after you sign up. The link to SIURF is a free discussion group started by SIU rank and filers to air abuses by the present administration of the SIU. Watchdog does not think it would be proper for non SIU members to send in comments but you can browse for informative and interesting information relating to the maritime field. Links to other maritime related groups will be added as permission to do so is received.