Zephaniah M. Wilkins 1811-1889

Submitted by: Ann Wilkins Harhen

The following is a copy of the original obituary of Zephaniah M. Wilkins.

Rev. Z.M. Wilkins, born near Chillicothe, Marion County Ohio June 25, 1811. Died in his home near Veedersburg, September 28, 1889, aged 78 years 3 months and 3 days. The companion of his youth preceeded him to the land of rest a little more than 3 years. Of their nine children there was present Z. M. Wilkins Jr., James Wilkins, Olive Meek, Anna Ray, Jane Vinson, and Ella Cass. Noah Wilkins sent a telegram from Pennsylvania stating that he would be present but failed to arrive.

Born of Quaker parentage, Father Wilkins inherited those sublime traits of character for which he was so distinguished. He was identified with the Christian Church for 54 years as the active minister of the Gospel, eighteen of which he traveled under the auspices of the New York board of control, his field being northern Ohio, southern Michigan, northern Indiana and central Illinois.

During his ministry he delivered over 10,000 public addresses, preached over 1,500 funerals and traveled 87,000 miles on horseback and in private conveyances. Like the Apostle Paul his theme was ever "Christ, and Him crucified". He was a living epistle known and read of all men. Three months before his decease he said his lifes work was accomplished, and he calmly closed the evening of his earthly pilgrimage awaiting the summons to call him to the glories of the higher life.

The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Henry Passage, reading the 23 Psalm and invoking the blessing of God. Rev. Gott delivered the oration and at the close Rev. A.R. Heath spoke pathetically of the dead. Near 1,000 people followed his remains to the Cold Springs cemetery.

The following lines were written by Mrs. Anna Ray and dedicated to her Father:

Father we are loath to part from thee
But our loss is thy great gain
We know thou hast gone dear Father
To a world that is free from pain

We lay thy body away to rest
Within the dark and silent tomb
They spirit to the land has fled
Where our Savior has prepared thee a home

Thy labors on earth are done
The Father has called thee home
To sit at the right hand of God
Thy spirit no more to raom

We know that thou died but to live
Thy body will quicken again
That then will arise from the grave
Forever with Jesus to reign

We are orphans, alas- we are orphans
Our Father and Mother are dead
But we trust in our heavenly Father
And are willing by Him to be led

Farewell, earthly parents, farewell:
We hope to meet you in realms above
A country that is free from all strife
Where all is joy, and peace, and love

There were 125 buggies and carriages in the procession at Father Wilkins funeral last Sunday, this showing the respect of our people.

The following gentlemen all ministers of the Christian or Newlite church, officiated as pall bearers: Revs. Gott, Passage, Heath, Harper, Dudley, and Compton.

Don't know why the other two sons of Reverend Zephaniah M. Wilkins and his wife Zipporah Thompson Wilkins were not mentioned in the obituary. They were Benjamin S. Wilkins (Civil War) and Thomas J. Wilkins (Civil War). The information regarding the service in the civil war of Benjamin S. Wilkins and Thomas J. Wilkins is from the book, History of Fountain County, Indiana 1881.

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