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Our changing world: Daily, the events of this planet indicate that it is on an everpresent self-destruct course. Wars, famine, ethnic cleansing, all indicate that perhaps this is not the course that mankind is to take. Natural disasters show their presence on a regular basis too. Floods, hurricanes, earthquakes all take there toll on human suffering as well.
Ever get the feeling that it can't go on like this? Or at least it shouldn't? I do. And, there are many others that feel the same way. We gather on a regualr basis to discuss the changing world and what may be needed to survive these changes.

A definition of a Survivalist One who provides for possible future events, be they natural disaster of social/political upheaval, so that they may have the food and tools necessary for continued existence. (Borrowed from the pages of Dave Paxton)

Have you found yourself wondering about alternative energy sources, emerency medical procedures, self-defense, herbal remedies, storing food and water, or basic survival? Would you like to have some answers to your questions? Or maybe you'd like to know how everyone else is preparing for what the future may hold.
IRC is a discussions group unlike news groups, because you see the response to your post right away. Instead of days later, if ever. If you're already familiar with IRC please join us on ( at channel name #teotwawki
If you would like to learn more about IRC and how to join us visit the link below

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me

This site is dedicated to providing information to the general public. It is not meant to intimidate or frighten anyone.


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