Robyn Aileen Perkins
webCounselling Ethics
Code of Ethics:
Counsellors must respect the confidentiality of information obtained from clients in the course of their work as Counsellors They may reveal such information to others only with the consent of the person or the person's legal representative. However, in those unusual circumstances where failure to disclose may result in clear risk to the client or to others, the Counsellor may disclose minimal information necessary to avert risk. Counsellors must inform their clients of the legal and other limits of confidentiality Currently in Australia there are no guidelines for Web Counselling, however, we believe that it is important to follow a recognised set of ethical standards for the protection of clients and to ensure a quality serive. We recommend that you read carefully this page so that you can make an informed decision before you agree to proceed with the service. The web-site we obtained the guidelines from is as follows: http//www.nbcc.org/ Ethical Considerations
1. Encrypted software. Our software between us Can be encripted in an effort to ensure the privacy of all consultations if you require.
2. After each counselling session the counsellor will save the chat and print off a copy to be kept in a secure place. These records will be available to the client or the clients legal representative at any time and will be kept for a period of 2 years after which time the file will be deleted and the copy shredded. The records will not be made available to any other party without the consent of the client. However, in those unusual circumstances where failure to disclose may result in clear risk to the client or to others, the counsellor may disclose minimal information necessary to avert risk. The client will be notified in these circumstances.
3. Clients will be ensured of obtaining direct contact with their counsellor and not an imposter by using a code that only is known by the client and counsellor.
4. There are no stipulation's for gaining consent for minors as we will not provide a service for young people under the age of 18 years old. Any person under the age of 18 years old can contact www.kidshelp.com.au for access to appropriate services.
5. Counsellors use of self disclosure will be minimal and will only be used as a therapeutic tool.
6. In the event of the counsellor wishing to refer the client to a more appropriate service provider for specialist therapy or where face-to-face counselling is seen as the more appropriate medium for the client, the counsellor will make contact with the appropriate service provider with the consent of the client or will provide details of services available in the clients local area for the client to self refer. In the event of the client needing access to services in a crisis situation when We are not available it is recommended that clients call LIFELINE on 13 11 14
which offers a 24 hour crisis telephone counselling service for the price of a local call.
7. All contact with us will be through e-mail or phone. Any written communication between client and counsellor will not be forwarded by either party to another party without the written permission of the counsellor/client. However all Counsellors materials can be subpoenaed including chat records and e-mails.
8. We believe that online counselling will be effective for a wide range of problems and issues impacting on people's lives. This may include life transition problems, parenting concerns, vocational counselling, stress management, relationship problems, loss and grief counselling, self esteem/assertiveness, sexuality, identity and adjustment issues including disability and injury. However, it is considered inappropriate for the primary treatment of psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder (manic depression), eating disorders etc. Also any disorder which requires specialist clinical treatment including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and diagnosed Anxiety Disorders are not considered as appropriate for WebCounselling as a primary counselling service. It should also be noted that online counselling is a new area of counselling and as such its efficacy is untested at this time.
9. In case of technology failure during the counselling session the following process will be implemented: If the technical problem happens with 10 minutes from the beginning of the appointment time the entire consultation will be rescheduled, at no cost to the client; between 10 and 45 minutes of the appointment time the client will recieve a discount to the time lost to the next appointment; after 45 minutes of the appointment time the remaining time will be added to the following consultation.
10. WebCounselling offers a unique form of counselling support and as such is different from face-to-face counselling where visual or auditory cues are utilised in the counselling process. WebCounselling uses the written word and we believe this will be a powerful tool. However, misunderstandings may arise from lack of other cues to the counsellor and where that is apparent the counsellor may be required to use more questioning skills than is often necessary in face-to-face or telephone counselling. For example "Because I couldn't see your face or hear the tone of your voice in that last sentence I'm not sure how to interpret that last message." We believe that this provides alternative benefits for the counselling process.