The Twisted Ranma Couples Page
Welcome to the Twisted Ranma Couples Page which allows Ranma fans to pair up any characters they want. Ukyo and Kuno? Cologne and Mousse? Use your imagination.. We are currently accepting submissions for the fanfics. Email fanfics to Nayami.This site is run by Celes and Nayami. We also need some twisted couple fanart to decorate the pages. if, you can make your own or find a pic on the internet, we will highly appreciate it and credit you for discovering it for us..

1. No ordinary couples such as: Kuno and Nabiki, Ranma and Ukyo, Mousse and Shampoo.
2. No hentai!
3. No gay couples. (Ranma in girl-form and a guy counts as a gay couple.)
4. Besides that, "Anything Goes!" Show us some bizarre couples.