<html> <!--Generated by Angelfire: L00S00--> <head> <title></title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#ffffff" link="#0000ff" alink="#800080" vlink="#ff0000"> <basefont size="3"> <!--Freetext--><html> <head><title><b>How to's</b></title></head> <style>body{background: black url(http://www.angelfire.com/me3/eric/images/lightbackbg.gif) fixed}--> </style> <center><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/md2/bluntzippo/howbanner.gif"></center> <hr width=100%> <body><center><b><font size=+1>HOW TO ROLL A JOINT</center></b></font> <hr width=70%> <left>Materials: <ol> <li>Rolling papers, zig zag's, easy widers etc...about (can get at your local conner store or 7 eleven) <left><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/md2/bluntzippo/zigzag1.jpg"></left> <li>A good bag of herb, or hash <li>Get the paper glue side up, crease it quarter of the way in half, if not already done. <li>Spread half of it evenly on to the paper. <li>Get your herb and break it up, unclump it, or burn up your block of hash <li>Put the stuff(put how much you want in it) evenly on the paper. <li>This step is opitonal you can make a mouth peice maybe a peice of cardboard from your rolling paper, cut a small peice and roll it, place at the end of the paper <li>roll it between your thumb and your forefingers(not to hard) <li>Lick the glue and stick it <li>Get a small slender object for example a small stick or sometimes keys, well something to fit inside of it <li>Pack it down holding one end shut. <li>Twist both sides and light it up. <li>It should look something like this</ol> <left><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/md2/bluntzippo/jay.jpg"> <hr width=100%> <center><font size=+1><b>HOW TO ROLL A BLUNT</center></font></b> <hr width=70%> <left>Materials</left> <ol> <li>A pack of blunts, philly's, Vegas Garcia's whatever floats your boat. <li>A sharp knife, an exacto knife would work best <li>And like I said before, a good bag of herb</ol> <ul> <li>First get the knife and a blunt cut the part that look like a penis and empty out the tabbaco <li>Moisten it up to spearate the leaf and the canvas <li>Make an incision right through the middle. Take the inner layer off the shit that looks like brown paper. <li>Get the canvas were the tabbaco was and get your herb and spread it evenly through out the shit, make sure you take out all the seeds and stems and whatnot <li>Moisten up the edges <li>start to roll it up, make sure it moisten properly so it holds together,like the joint, roll it between your thumbs and forefinger, not to hard. <li>Take the leaf and moisten it <li>Get the canvas and from one end start rolling it from the smallest end of the leaf so you get a basic shape <li>Now start rolling the canvas into the leaf, not to tight and not to hard so you dont tear it or break it, remember its moist <li>It should resemble something like this <li><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/md2/bluntzippo/blunt1.JPG">(I apologize for the crude picture, ill have a better one soon) <li>Once you have done doing this, grab a lighter and go blaze up!</ul> <hr width=100%> <center><b><font size=+1>HOW TO MAKE BONGS</center></b></font> <hr width=100%> <center><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/md2/bluntzippo/bong4.jpg"></center> <ul> <li>WHAT YOU'LL NEED (this should be around the house):</ul> <ol> <li>A 12 oz. Plastic Soda bottle <li>A ballpoint Pen (Bic type- hollow tube) <li>A lot of Aluminum Foil <li>A needle (or toothpick) <li>Used Chewing Gum <li>A good bag of herb </ol> <ul> <li>Take the Soda bottle. Use pen to make hole in side a 1/3 up from the bottom. remove pen guts (so there is a hollow tube). Push into bottle and seal with chewing gum. Take aluminum foil and form bowl with a hollow stem at least 2 inches long (you want to make sure that doesn't melt the plastic pen tube - plastic fumes can kill you, or at least make you VERY sick. Use the pen to wrap the foil around - that will make sure you can pull air through it. Fill with water so that bottom of pen tube is below water. You now own the cheapest bong known to mankind!NOW GET YOUR HERB AND PACK IT DOWN IN THE ALUMINUM BOWL PEICE AND SPARK IT UP! </ul> <hr width=100%> <center><font size=+1><b>HOW TO MAKE A GRAVITY BONG</center></font></b> <hr width=100%> <center><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/md2/bluntzippo/gravity1.jpg"></center> <ul> <li>WHAT YOU'LL NEED:</ul> <ol> <li>A 1 Liter Soda bottle. <li>A Knife or razor <li>A bowl and stem</ol> <ul> <li>Clear silicone caulk or chewing gum (for the unprepared). A drill with a drill bit a little wider than the stem. You can use a knife, but the seal may not be great. A proper seal is key to this design! Cut the Soda Bottle in half. Fit the Bottom end inside the top half. Take the cap and drill a hole in the top. Fit the stem through the cap and seal in place with caulk or chewing gum. Screw cap back into bottle.</ul> <ul> <li>HOW IT WORKS: This bong works on suction not gravity. But if you haven't been going to classes much you might not know that! Start by compressing the two halves of the bottle together. Then load the bowl. NOTE: If you load the bowl during the compression stage the pot will fly out!!!! Light the dope and pull the two halves apart. This will cause the bottle to fill. NOW... remove the cap, put your mouth over the mouth of the bottle and compress (slide) the halves together. This should force a good amount of smoke into your lungs causing you to pass out on the floor.</ul> <hr width=100%> <center><font size=+1><b>HOW TO MAKE A GRAVITY BONG Part2</center></font></b> <hr width=100%> <center><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/md2/bluntzippo/gravity2.jpg"></center> <ul> <li>WHAT YOU'LL NEED:</ul> <ol> <li>A 1 Liter Soda bottle. <li>A Bucket (probably a gallon size is best) <li>Water- ice-water is preferred. <li>A Knife or razor <li>A bowl and stem</ol> <ul> <li>Clear silicone caulk or chewing gum (for the unprepared). A drill with a drill bit a little wider than the stem. (you can use a knife, but the seal may not be great. A proper seal is key to this design! Cut the Soda Bottle in half. Discard the Bottom end. Take the cap and drill a hole in the top. Fit the stem through the cap and seal in place with caulk or chewing gum. Screw cap back into bottle.</ul> <ul> <li>HOW IT WORKS: This bong also works on suction and not gravity. Gravity and suction are not the same! Start by filling the bucket with water about 3/4 of the way up. Now push the top half down into the water. Then load the bowl. NOTE: If you load the bowl during the compression stage the pot will fly out!!! NOW- Light the dope and pull the top half up - but not OUT of the water. This will cause the bottle to fill with smoke. NOW... remove the cap, put your mouth over the mouth of the bottle and compress (push) the top half back down into the water. Smoke should rush into your lungs, the walls should melt, and you will likely become useless and believe that suction and gravity are the same</ul> <!--EndFreetext--> <p> </body> </html>