leafWelcometo the newest room in the "Castle".
Amid the tinkling of crystal chandliers and the murmur of castle excitement...you are cordially invited to attend the "Grand Opening".

Like a number of other people, I have often experienced difficulty in finding suitable graphics for "The Castle". When it comes to animations... I find that most are too "cartoon-like" or downright "silly" to be acceptable. As a result, although entirely a "newbie" at this, I have decided to try making some graphics of my own. You will find "general-type" graphics as well as those that may be particularly suitable for your "Castle".

Besides Backgrounds Sets... I have also included a "Furnishings" section where you will find individual pieces ("furnishings") that may help decorate your "Castle" as well. There are more to be added just as soon as I can get them up - so please check back often!! As with most things - I'm "learning as I go".

I hope you enjoy this "new addition" to the Castle.

Good thoughts to you...