"Fairy Nightsongs"

A Spark In The Night

From a spark in the night
Unto the fairy veil
Transforming love
Into Beings so frail

Visions of light
Within Divine
Come from the Heavens
Beyond space and time

These the truths
In songs we sing
Belong to you
The ones, who see all

Poem from
Fairy of the Woods CD
© Gary Stadler

on a clear moonlit evening
when the forest is still,
the reflections of stars ripple and dance
and the warm glow of the fire
beckons you to sleep.
you can see fairies
dancing and flitting about the tree branches -
gossamer wings gliding
across the night skies
leaving trails of stardust in their wakes.
you can hear the soft beat
of fairy wings flying near,
making wondrous music that catches you in its spell
-your heart soars up to join the flight
as you balance gently on the edge of dreams.

Poem from
Fairy of the Woods CD
© Gary Stadler

Fairy Ring

'Twas a longing came into my heart, I could not sense the name
It tore me from my sheltered hearth, and swift to nature came
The beauty of the soft green hills, the singing of the trees
They left my soul more empty still, I could not find a peace,
I could not find a peace...

I saw the shining Fairy Ring
myself within it's Heart
And I found a lonely comfort,
Though its magic touched me not.....
Its magic touched me not.....

I wandered by a running stream, and touched its stones for strength
Then I settled 'neath a great oak tree, and drifted into sleep
It lifted me with gentle boughs, and took me far away
When I awoke, the darkest night had chased away the day

I lay within the Fairy Ring
myself within it's Heart
And I found a lonely comfort, yet
The magic touched me not.....
The magic touched me not.....

My mind a whirl of clouded dreams, I knew not where I dwelt
Yet in that shining Fairy Ring, a calming warmth I felt
Oh thrice I called unto the Fey, and thrice about was turned
I fell upon the living earth, and in that moment learned
For there that night I felt a touch, and in that moment knew
The Fairy magic had revealed my hearts desire true....
For in that touch I felt such love, and in that moment knew
that I did touch a perfect love
my hearts desire true
...my hearts desire true

I lay within the Fairy Ring
Myself within it's Heart
And I found a lonely comfort, yet
The love that I had sought

My words and wants are stilled within
My heart has filled so much
I oft return to the magic ring
To feel the fairy touch
Oh now when ere the moon is full
I bid my cares depart
And kneel within the shining ring
To touch the fairies heart
To touch the fairies heart
To touch the fairies heart

Poem from
Fairy of the Woods CD
© Gary Stadler

Fly Away
with me
touch my hand and we'll soar
Hold me close, fly away
to the stars
Fly away with me
Let your dreams light your path
Through the night
fly away
To your heart

Fairy NightSongs by
Gary Stadler .... and..... SinghKaur

The picture and poems used on this page are copyrighted by their respective artists. Some are being used here with the express permission of Gary Stadler. My deep appreciation and thanks to him for his generosity in allowing me to share some of the beauty with you. Visit HeartMagic  to explore the magical worlds of art and music by Gary Stadler, Scott Thom, Katlyn Breene and Mike Breene. You'll find a link to them on my "Links" page. Thank you for the "Magic", Gary!

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