Updates Of July

7/1/01 I added Batman: Rantings Of A Sane Man by Arlene.

7/16/01 I replaced Rosencrantz's email addy with his new one. Go bug him. ::hides from the Crantz:: ;-)

7/17/01 I replaced JB McDragon's email addy with her current one. She may be changing again, I don't know.

7/29/01 I added chapter Six, parts A and B of Small Potatoes: Coming Home by Smitty.
Yes, I know this update is extremely late. I'm sorry. First I had no motivotion to do anything whatsoever. Then I got a job, which meant the last thing I wanted to do was work on something else. Updates are most likely still going to be iffy as the job is until Aug. 10.