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Musical Mayhem

SUMMARY: Wildwing decides to check out the young duck's music for 'bad lyrics'. And he's not too impressed.

“Hey, Wildwing, did you see this?” Mallory handed the magazine she was reading to the team captain, and pointed to an article. “There, it’s about the music kids are listening to.”
Wildwing furrowed his brow as he read, then handed the magazine back to Mallory. “That’s pretty serious,” he said heavily. “Do you think the kids are listening to that kind of stuff?”
Mallory shrugged. “I have no idea. There is a way to find out though…” she scanned the pages until she found the one she was looking for. “Here it says you should read the lyrics of their music and then ban certain groups if they’re lyrics are bad.”
Wildwing frowned. “I don’t know how they’d take that. I mean, Nosedive? Missie? I don’t even want to think about Rose?”
“ You could probably ignore Rose’s music. I mean, she’s over 20, Wildwing. She can probably take care of herself.. And you could explain to the others why it’s important.”
Wildwing nodded. “Good idea.” He tapped his communicator and said “Missie, Christé, Nosedive, Candis. Come in.”
Their faces appeared on the screen each in their own little triangle. “ Yeah, Wildwing.” Christé asked.
“Can you guy come to the Ready Room? And bring all you music?”
Candis gave him an odd look. “All of it?”
Wildwing nodded. “All of it.”
The young team members shrugged, and his communicator went blank. Five or so minutes later.
Candis appeared first, dragging a comforter filled with music. "I think I threw out my back," she groaned. She flopped down on the couch and watched resentfully as Christé walked calmly in carrying the entire collection of ‘Guardians of the Heart’ CDs and no more.
“I told you to bring all your music.” Wildwing said impatiently
“I did.” Christé with a shrug. “Why bother collecting CDs when you’re a veritable radio yourself?”
Missie and Nosedive came in together about 15 minutes later. Both were holding on the the handle of a moving skid Tanya normally kept in the hanger for dragging tools and big parts for repairs. It was laden with a veritable mountain of music.
“So, what’s up Wildwing?” Missie asked, oblivious to the stare’s their mountain of music was getting.
Wildwing shook his head sharply. “I just heard some disturbing news about the music young people are listening to, and…”
“You decided to listen to our music, read lyrics, etc., and then ban any stuff that’s not suitable.” Candis cut him off. “My parent’s did that to me just a little before I came to the pond.”
“And?” Wildwing prompted.
Candis shrugged. “ They let me keep it all.”
Wildwing nodded. “Then I don’t think I need to check your. Nor yours, Christé,” He added pointing to the scant collection of CDs she held. “I’ve got all of those myself. They’re fine."
Missie rolled her eyes. “So what about ours Wildwing?” She asked, motioning to the movable mountain.
“I’ll have to check yours,” Wildwing said firmly.
Nosedive’s jaw dropped. “You’re kidding!”
“No. Now leave the music here. I’ll check it out. Dismissed.”
Grumbling the younger team members left, and Wildwing steeled himself to tackle the enormous chore of listening to all of the two duck’s music.


The worst part, of course was that neither seemed to have any two CD’s the same between them. For three days, he sludge though the CDs, checking and rechecking the lyrics.
When he was finally done, he called Missie and Nosedive to the Ready Room. They arrived with sullen glares, and Nosedive said sarcastically. “So what’s corrupting our young minds? What groups are eternally banned?”
Wildwing sighed. “You can have them all back.”
Missie’s jaw dropped. “All of it?”
“Yeah this stuff's pretty harmless,” he said with a little sigh.
“Harmless?!?” Nosedive shrieked. “You realize how much of an insult that is ?!?”
Wildwing gave him an odd look. “Just don’t make me lessen to that stuff again,” he groaned, and dragged himself to his room.
Missie and Nosedive looked at each other. “ Hasn’t he ever heard of lyric books?”

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