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* + *l a s t . u p d a t e d - A u g u s t 13 , 2 0 0 4 * + *

J a n e W y n n . G a l l e r y . o f . A r t
o n ////A n g l e f i r e . ..

+*+*+*New Jewelry and Art for sale*+*+*+

Hello and welcome to the gallery!!! This page was created to give you yet another look into the works of Jane Wynn.

Jane Wynn is a Freelance artist who’s works span a variety of mixed mediums ranging from sculpture, to printmaking, painting, fiber and digital art. After completing under graduate training in Fine Art from the University of Maryland Baltimore County she now a Graduate of Towson University with a Masters of Fine Art in Interrelated Media. Currently she is teaching at Towson University, and the Community Colleges of Baltimore County as well as workshops around the country.

“ Every object has a right to be heard.” This statement I feel best encompasses the idea behind the visions that I create. My works are a diverse combination of many forms and many styles of the creative experience. They are a representation and a reflection of my life and speaks of the world around me. Revealing their persistence by extremes; at times, they are a romantic yet obscured invitation to the process of Mixed Media. My hope is that they will express a language that can be understood by all who view them. My greatest experience is learning and I truly enjoy what I do- “making things”.

Jane Wynn is a free-lance artist who’s works span a variety of mixed mediums ranging from sculpture, to printmaking, painting, fiber and digital art. After completing under graduate training in Fine Art from the University of Maryland Baltimore County she now is a Graduate of Towson University with a Masters of Fine Art in Interrelated Media.

Want to learn more about Jane? Visit her website at Wynn Studio


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Jewelry - Gallery 1

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all images copyright 2003 by the artist, unauthorized use without permission is prohibited.