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Officially funded by the Maryland Institute College of Art, The MICA Gun Club was the most (and
possibly only) controversial student organization on campus. Known widely for their large size of
currently enrolled artists, alumni, and dropouts, the group rarely participated in any sort of
organized events except for two informal target practices and the black powder ball (their black tie
dance party featuring Baltimore DJs, The Wounds and Grand Buffet from Pittsburg). What started
out as a prank has become a campus legend over the past few years. I now credit the MGC as my
only successful art piece completed in college as it was the only work that year which attracted
local and national attention for its subversive philosophy and contextual oddity. In the wake of the
eric harris/ dylan klebold tragedy and in lieu of 9-11 the MICA Gun Club only seems more strangely
obscene and critically pertinent in the (seemingly) violent society we live in. This website archive is
for the many members who made the club possible, but more importantly, made it fun.

Much love.

justin sirois

if you want a patch (shown below) send $5 to

justin sirois 5600 pimlico rd #3 baltimore md 21209

gunclub article
gunclub mentioned by The Volokh Conspiracy
gunclub mentioned by some crazy german?