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Piedmont Pacers Volksmarch Club
Carroll County, Maryland
AVA 476

The regular Piedmont Pacers Volksmarch Club of Carroll County Maryland meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:30PM at Ascension Episcopal Church, 23 N. Court Street in Westminster, MD. (Enter at the double red doors.) We are always looking for new members and hope that you will consider this an invitation to join us. We don't hold meetings in the months of July or August. If you would like more information on Volkssporting or the Piedmont Pacers, contact Chuck Merkel.

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MEMBERSHIP: Membership in the Piedmont Pacers is open to everyone interested in promoting non-competitive sports with a focus on fitness, fun, and fellowship. Members are encouraged to walk our volksmarch trails and to help with events and other club activities to ensure the viability of volkssporting in our community. Dues are only $8 per year. To join send your name, address, e-mail address, and phone # (or download the membership form from our website at Membership Application ) with a check for $8.00 payable to Piedmont Pacers and mail to: Cheryl Vecera, 703 Lake Dr., Westminster, MD 21158

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For more info on Carroll County, check out the Carroll County Guide page.

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(Der Internationale Volkssportverband)

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Last updated Tues., 6/17/2014 by Webmaster.
Comments are always welcome.
© Copyright 1999-2014
Piedmont Pacers Volksmarch Club.