The Humanistic Movement: The Third Force



In 1964, at old Saybrook, Connecticut, the first invitational conference was held



Maslow’s Theory of Motivation



Maslow noticed that some needs take precedence over others.



The physiological needs.



The safety and security needs. safety needs



The love and belonging needs.



The esteem needs.


All of the preceding four levels he calls deficit needs, or D-needs.


He also talks about these levels in terms of homeostasis.



In terms of overall development, we move through these levels a bit like stages.



Consequence of Failure to Fulfill D-Needs






In fact, they are likely to become stronger as we "feed" them



Personality Periphery: the self-actualizing personality



Characteristics of self-actualizing persons



Maslow doesn't think that self-actualizers are perfect, of course.



Metaneeds and metapathologies



When a self-actualizer doesn't get these needs fulfilled, they respond with metapathologies -- a list of problems as long as the list of metaneeds