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Crown Road Baptist Church


Crown Road Baptist Church was founded in 1883 as a Christian Mission to the local community. It has physically changed from a Tin Hut to a multipurpose brick building surrounded by flats and housing situated close to the shopping centre. It was administered originally by The Shaftesbury Society, and responsibility for it was subsequently transferred to Sutton Baptist Church.

Crown Road Baptist Church is unique in that it is self-governing over its ministry, finance, membership and leadership, while remaining part of Sutton Baptist Church.

The Sunday morning service (10.30am) is designed for families and the evening service (6.30pm) is a little more "substantial" in content. Midweek Bible Studies and other events also contribute to the spiritual life of the fellowship. Those attending worship and meetings embrace all levels of spiritual growth and we have a well-deserved reputation for being friendly and welcoming.

Crown Road Baptist Church has a lay-pastor, Mrs Sally Fox.

For further information please feel free to contact Ann Scott at: