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My Beliefs and Opinions

Before I begin I would like to say that these are my personal beliefs and they in no way reflect the beliefs of any of the people who may be linked to my page.

If you wish to debate me Email Me. But remember like O'Reilly says "Name and Town, Name and Town, Nameandtown if you wish to opine"- Dont bother emailing me unless you are brave enough to tell me a little about yourself. Also, nothing defamitory, such as "Bush is a chimp" or stupid §hit like that. We arent in 2nd grade anymore.

The Passion

There have been many controversies over Mel Gibson's "The Passion", which depicts the final hours of Jesus Christ. I want to be brief and focus in on the part where people say "Jews killed Christ".. I want to correct you if you are one of the people who feel this way. YOU ARE WRONG..
We all are guilty of killing Christ... He died for all of our sins, we as a whole are just as guilty as the people who crucified him. As with people of Jewish faith, we can all be forgiven of this sin, if we just ask it..
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."- John 3:16

Pell Grants for Sex Offenders

Whoa! What,,, you've got to be kidding. Much needed money that should go to people who havent destroyed other people's live thru rape. Congress needs to put an end to this frivallous spending. Furthermore the whole application proccess for Pell grants needs to be reformed. I have seen quite a few people in my college who are no doubt on finacial aid. (My college has 80% of its population on finacial aide including myself.) I myself was turned down for a Pell Grant while I see these kids who come to class when they feel like it, they dont do the homework and end up being "dropped from the classes",,, this money is not refunded. This is money the Government has wasted on people who dont really care about their education. 300 dollars for a 3 credit course in ACM's pocket.

School Vouchers

It is my understanding the motive behind these is to give inner city children the opportunity to get a decent education in a private school. I support this. Public schools in places like DC and Baltimore are a joke because of the lack of willingness to learn in these schools. I attended Annapolis middle in which the population was mostly kids from the projects. Many did not care about their education and made it nearly impossible for those who did to learn. This was Annapolis, I imagine it is a lot worse in DC and Baltimore, Harlem, the Bronx. Those who want to rise above this and have parents who cant afford to send their children to a school in which they would at least have a chance, deserve that right. Im not saying anyone who wants their kids in a private school should get this voucher. Only those who live in a school district that is merely a "holding cell" until the kids reach the legal age to drop out. Some public education systems are just fine. This is a free country, and not everyone has the ability to get a decent education, and this is very sad. If we as Americans would reach out and help the less fortunate (not the ones who are just too lazy to get a job) Im talking about those who work hard to raise their children. Single moms who have to turn to welfare for help. (The ones who arent abusing the system) Those who truly need it to raise their children. Give their children a chance to the decent education he/she deserves. This way he/she can grow up , go to college, become successful and just may even pay that money back that the taxpayers so kindly gave him by being a productive citizen.

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson greatly offends me,, As a conservative I believe homosexuality is wrong,, however.. I believe it is unfair to them to refer to Jackson as one... He certainly is not,, he needs to be called the name that properly fits,, pedophile.... I pray that he does not get off the hook as O.j. Simpson did... In actuality they is no difference in the severity of the crimes they commited... Oj took lives physically... Jackson may very well have taken this young mans life emotionally,, which can be just as destructive. Being someone who has experienced mental illness firsthand.. I can think of many times in which I would rather be dead than have to deal with my emotions... My problems are no where near as bad as the ones this child will face for the rest of his life... And another thought... who knows who else he could have hurt... usually one "rotten apple" indicates there are more just like it waiting to be discovered...


Because she willingly signed up for the military.. having done this she has in a sense voluntarily commited her body, mind soul to the the USA. She accepted that she may be called to duty. At any time and for any length of time. This is the vow she took as an american soldier. A soldier's purpose is to do what the government calls her to do. Whether she agrees with the current adminstrations policies or not... Whether she has kids or not.. If her seven kids were going to be used as a factor for going AWOL then she should not joined the service... She is not a "draft dodger" or a consiencious objector,,, she joined... She took the vow every soldier takes to fight for this country.,.. She broke it ,, She should be punished as any man would for going AWOL... Women want equal rights in the military then they have to face the same consequences.. Her cause was just,, she should be reassigned to be with her children but desertion is not the right way.. She broke the law and like any other person who breaks the law she should be punished.


The situation in Alabama

As a Christian I fully support Judge Moore in his quest to keep that monument standing. As a member of the Republican Party I know that our constitution is based on and around those commandments and even if they werent c'mon. Thou Shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal... anyone that has a problem with those laws must not have any desire to be a decent and moral individual.

The Economy

I believe Mr. Bush may not have the best plan for fixing the economy, I dont aggree with him giving so much aide away to Africa and God knows where else. HOWEVER, Clinton is the one who screwed up the economy, as it did not start to decline until his last two years in office. Like President Bush said "...the economy problem we inherrited..."

Recently the economy has shown signs of improvement. Hmmm looks like tax cuts worked.

The War on Terrorism

First of all I believe that Saddam Hussein was an evil man and he should have been stood up to long before George Dubya Bush joined the scene, in addition the prior administration did not aggressively persue Osama Bin Laden (he has been on the FBI's most wanted list for over ten years, we just never made a big deal about going after him until oh my god buildings collapsed). The whole thing could have been prevented if they had of woken up after the US Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tansania.

Back to Saddam, whether they find weapons of mass destruction or not, he was a mass murderer. This has been proven by the multitude of mass grave sites that have been discovered. Whether Bush lied about WMD or not, Saddam was a man that had to be dealt with.

Saddam Hussein even sent money to the families of suicide bombers. I believe that both Iraq and Palestine were and are terrorist states. In addititon, I fully support any action that Israel takes to defend the land that is rightfully theirs.

On the topic of North Korea, I am not sure how they should be dealt with and I dont think the Bush administration is either, this is a dangerous nation led by a man who is obviously insane. I think it will be quite interesting watching this thing play out.

Civil Unions

First off, I believe that God created the holy union, called marriage. And he intended it to be between a man and a woman. I don't belive that homosexuals should be discriminated against but they need to understand what they are doing is wrong. Leviticus 18:22 says "You shall not lie with a man as you would with a woman, that is detestable". But as a Christian I would not go around beating them up or calling them "queer" and whatever people do to them. I feel those men that killed Matt Shepard deserved the death penalty for what they did a few years back. As Christians we can be loving, but accepting we cannot. Despite the previous I believe gays should not defile the holy union that is marriage with their sinful ways.

Legalization of Drugs

Simply put, I believe that things that alter your percepiton should be illegal. Marijuana causes you to do stupid things, it is a depressent and you can easily kill someone while driving. I have to put this carefully so I dont get an email that says "why dont we make cheeseburgers illegal" Alcohol can be used to get a "buzz" however not all people abuse it, so I dont believe it should be made illegal to consume it. But things that harm your body such as drugs and things that can cause you to harm other people ought to be illegal. With a cheeseburger you are only harming yourself, if you get in a car wreck while "high", you harm others.


I have to be careful in approaching this subject... First and foremost I belive that censorship needs to begin in the home. A parent should not allow their children to watch shows like "Bliss", a show on the Oxygen Channel which the show is nothing more that porn. This show comes on early enough that children could easily tune in to this show. In essence this show should not be on television at all. Porn should stay on pay-per-view where it belongs, not on cable tv. The problem is not every parent cares enough to make sure their children are not watching this material, which is why it should not be on televison at all. The parents who do care are not there every minute checking to make sure their children are not viewing this material.

In the case of music, well to put it in one sentence. Rap is garbage. Mtv promotes sex, homosexuality and who knows what else. Mtv airs anti-smoking commercials and safe-sex commercials yet just tune in to "Real World" the characters, everytime you tune in someone has a cigerette in their mouth. Every time you turn to TRL or any other program for that matter their is somebody "grinding up" on somebody else. The videos are very sexually explicit, and the lyrics of a typical rap song is violent, drug related or sexually explicit, or all of the above. Some may say that hair bands were no different. I agree many were about drugs and sex. However rap is much more direct and in your face than Def Leppard or Poison ever dreamed of. Just look at "50 Cent" singing "I Will come and take your life away",, What the Hell is that? Because of the lack of concern in parents I believe it is much healthier for America's youth to get rid of the garbage all together.

Censorship for adults. Simply put, NO. I am an adult and I have earned the right to listen to any music I want and watch any smut I please. But children have not and they need not be exposed to these sorts of things at an early age.

Capital Punishment aka. Death Penalty

If you read what I said about Shepard's murderers you already know how I feel on this topic. Now heres why I believe this: Genesis 9:6:

"Who so sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man." (KJV)

I think its quite clear dont you? If somebody is convicted BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT, then that person does not deserve to live according to the above scripture. Like Willy Nelson said in the song "Beer For My Horses": "Send them all to their maker and He'll send em on down."

Illegal Immigration

Yes, We took this land from the Native Americans, no argument here. But what happened 200+ years ago cannot be changed. There is only moving foward. This is an established country and although its brutal to hear it, this is our land. Whether we took it legally or not. Illegal aliens cause a drain on our economy. I used to live in Annapolis city, my parents had a seafood business on West Street (the heart of Annapolis) In the same shopping center was a local pizza restaurant. The owners added pool tables to this establishments. Numerous times the police were called to the place to break up fights between aliens. The point is they not only drain on the economy by taking jobs but they also add to the already shockingly high crime rate. Im sure many people who read this site can tell me many other reasons why it is imperative to put a stop to illegal immigration. And yes those of you who are thinking it, I realize that President Bush has ignored this growing problem. And I wont make excuses for him, I believe he needs to deal with them.


If you want the short answer I am pro-life.

If you want to know why, lets take a look at scripture, wont we?

Genesis 21:22-25

"If men hurt a woman with child, that man shall surely be punished. If the womans child is given birth to prematurely then life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth...."

Quite clear dont you think? But wait theres more...

Isaiah 49:1- "Listen, O coastlands, to me, and take heed, you peoples from afar! The lord has called me from the Womb."

This simply means that an unborn fetus is a human being now lets go to the ten commandments in Deuternomy,, Thou Shalt not Murder!!!!,, yes Im aware that troops are constantly killing in Iraq, From what Ive read killing in a war is not "Murder" persay... The bible has many references to people being killed in wars...(Old testament) ,,,, Furthermore killing a man shooting an Ak-47 at you is a little different than killing a defensless child...