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What we do.  The Long Beach City College Philosophy Club offers a range of activities including a film series, debates, discussion of current events as well as ancient riddles, and speaking engagements by famous philosophers.   

Where and when we meet.
Every Thursday, M209, 2:00pm-3:00pm.

Schedule of Events.

Week 1 (9/9):  Introductory Meeting
Week 2 (9/16):  Mad Scientist Riddle  
Week 3 (9/23):  A Critque of Modern Living
Week 4 (9/30):  Should Stupidity Be Punished?
Week 5 (10/7):  How charitable should you be?  [Info] [Reading]
Week 6 (10/14):  Propositions 66,68, and 70
Week 7 (10/21):  Open Political Forum
Week 8 (10/28):  How Philosophy Can Change the World

The LBCC Philosophy Internet Project is a site on the world wide web
 where Philosophy Club members create their own web pages devoted  
 to their favorite philosophers, texts, or issues.                                         

Edit "Socrates": a screenplay about the trial and death of perhaps the  
 world's most famous philosopher.                                                          

Students interested in the Philosophy Club and Research
Project should contact one of the club sponsors below, or
drop by M209.

Matt Lawrence
(562) 938-4805

James McGrath