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i feel it necessary to comment that you, as my faithful readers, are allowed to respond to any edition of EL CUARTO and perhaps i will print your comment in the next edition...this is a rather active paper i must say. i also wanted to make my readers away that the third edition will not be in print next week due to printing problems with the editor being out of commission for several days...note: check the travel section. thank you for your time and cooperation. happy reading!

there has been an official siting, and now actual confirmation from the specimen herself ladies and gentlemen---we have a narcaleptic on our hands! a real live narc! her name is jamie. she is in lindsey's spanish literature class. the other day many of the kiddies commented to her that she was sleeping right in front of the professor. she then explained her condition. it is most amusing to make bets on how many times throughout the two hour daily class she will fall asleep. anyone want in on this? please write in with wagers...

the first weekend lindsey was in valencia, she and some others toured the city and went into plaça de la virgen where many congregate for shopping and eating. while peruising the land lindsey noticed a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk with his two dogs (not sure how homeless people have pets...but several of them do). well this man sits alllllll day and brushes his dogs with a rather stiff motion. he uses one of those swell flip comb things. lindsey has spotted him several times now, and again ALWAYS brushing. next week lindsey plans to try and approach the homeless man to practice some of her spanish conversations. this man seems rather interesting....a possible love match? we shall see....

that's right...lindsey is sick!!! she has been sick for about a week now, so the virus/cold is dwindling. when lindsey spoke with her sister last week trying to get some sympathy, madeleine said, "dude, you sound like you have something stuck up your nose!" keen observation mad, keen observation.

it has warmed up dramatically here...but now going north it will be approximately ten degrees cooler. hopefully warming up...lindsey's dream of rotissing is just about completely diminished.

TRAVEL today lindsey is leaving to go to tarragona. it's pretty close to barcelona and in costa dorado. a small town that still has some ancient roman ruins still standing! looks to be an educational trip. leaving from tarragona sunday night or monday morning lindsey will continue her travels to meet up with the program in barcelona, where they stay until thursday. thursday lindsey will leave and head to san sebastian for the rest of the weekend and returning to valencia sunday night. this will be lindsey's first time out of valencia since last weekend she got sick and plans didn't work out for the south or for barcelona (the rather talented dj, paul oakenfold played in barcelona last saturday). lindsey will be reporting on her travels upon return from these trips.

it has been reported to special agent coleman that some locals tricked some of the program kids and some randoms they snatched up in a bar that evening, into doing some dance moves out on the street. reminds me of the days of break dancing! but back to the news....while doing a rather diffucult swinging move somehow the locals stole one of the male's cell phones. "very sneaky," comments special agent coleman.

that's right, save the best section for last! too bad same doesn't go for the food... this week in the cafeteria a lunch item was "tentacle salad." the pounds are just shedding right off here!