<html> <body> <body bgcolor="#6633ff"> <font size="4" color="black"> <img src="walkinglogo"> <hr> <img src="soaplogo.art"> <img src="soapphoto1.art"> <img src="freestylewalking1.art" height=175 width=175> <img src="freestylewalking2.art" height=175 width=175> <hr> Freestyle Walking is a great way to keep your skiing skills ready for when the snow comes. Me and my buddies do this all the time during the summer, or when there is just no snow. The first thing you will want to do if you are interested in freestyle walking is get yourself a pair of "soap shoes." These shoes will allow you to slide down handrails. You can get a pair of these for around $60. They are well worth ever penny. I use mine just about everyday. If you don't have the money for soaps, then you can simply use your surroundings to freestyle walk. You can jump on and off of things and tweak out different grabs. If you're really good you can do flips and spins off things. Have fun freestyle walking, I envision freestyle walking being in the X-games sometime soon! <hr> Today I did a little freestyle walking and I fell on a rail pretty good, right on my shins. It was a small rail by a train station! </body> </html>