Historic Cookbooks 1700-1800

Petre, D. Manuscript Cookbook of D. Petre,1705
Kidder, Ed. Receipts of Pastry and Cookery for the use of his scholars, 17--
Liger, Louis. Le menage de la ville et des champs... Bruxelles: 1712
La Varenne, Francois. Le vrai cuisinier françois. 1721
Massialot, Francois. Le Nouveau Cuisinier Royal Et Bourgeois. 1721 [Court and Country Cook 1702]
Nott, John. The Cook's and Confectioner's Dictionary. London: 1723
Smith, Robert. Court cookery: or, The compleat English cook. London: 1725
Bradley, Richard. The Country Housewife and Lady's Director 6th ed
Smith, Eliza. The Compleat Housewife: Or, Accomplish’d Gentlewomen’s Companion London: 1730
Book for Receipts. manuscript. 1731. VaTech
Bradley, Richard. The Country Housewife and Lady's Director 1732
Carter, Charles. The Compleat City and Country Cook. London: 1732
Eales, Mary. Mrs. Mary Eales’s Receipts. Confectioner to her late Majesty Queen Anne. London: 1733 (first ed. 1718)
Kettilby, Mary. A Collection of above three hundred receipts... 1734 5th ed
Massialot, Francois. Le Nouveau Cuisinier Royal Et Bourgeois. 1734
The London and Country Brewer. 1736
The whole duty of a woman. London: 1737
Harrison, Sarah. The House-keeper's Pocket-book. London: 1739 2nd
Menon. Nouveau traite de la Cuisine: Vol 1 Paris: 1739
Smith, Eliza. The Compleat Housewife: Or, Accomplished Gentlewoman’s Companion 9th London: 1739
A Curious Collection of Receipts in cookery… brewing, wines, berries. [with Eales, second half]] London: 1742
Eales, Mary. The compleat confectioner...candying and preserving... added A Curious Collection of Receipts. London: 1742
La Chapelle, Vincent. Le Cuisinier Moderne 1742
Menon. La Nouvelle Cuisine. Paris: 1742 [The professed cook 1769 trans by Clermont]
Smith, Eliza. The Compleat Housewife: Or, Accomplished Gentlewoman’s Companion Williamsburg: 1743
Ellis, William. The Modern Husbandman. London: 1744 v3
Carter, Charles. The London and country cook. London: 1749
Briand, M. Dictionnaire des alimens, vins et liqueurs... Paris: 1750 v3
Ellis, William. The Country Housewife's Family Companion. 1750
Smith, Eliza. The Compleat Housewife: Or, Accomplished gentlewoman’s Companion 14th ed London: 1750
Massialot, Francois. La Cuisiniere Bourgeoise Suivi De L'Office. 1752
Menon. La Cuisiniere Bourgeoise. 1753
Menon. Soupers de la cour. 1755
Menon. La cuisinière bourgeoise. 1756
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1758
Cleland, Elizabeth. Recipes from, A New and Easy Method of Cookery, 1759
Verral, William. A complete system of cookery. London: 1759
Harrison, Sarah. The House-keeper's Pocket-book. London: 1760 7th
Menon. La cuisinière bourgeoise. Bruxelles: 1760
Lambert, Edward. The Art of Confectionary. London: 1761
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1763
Moxon, Elizabeth. English Housewifry, 1764
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1765 (1769)
Diderot, Denis. Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des Arts et des Métiers 1765. 17 vol of text 11 vols plates 1751-1772 UPenn
Diderot, Denis. Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des Arts et des Métiers. ARTFL Encyclopedie. U of Chicago
Breve Istruzione circ'ai modi di accrescere il pane (bread)… 1766
Chapman, Thomas. Cyder-Maker's Instructor, Sweet-Maker's... Victualler's and Housekeeper's Director. 1767
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1767
Emy, M. L'Art de de bien faire les glaces d'office.. Paris : 1768.
Dizionario delle arti e de' mestieri compilato da Francesco Griselin Venice: 1769 (bread)
Menon. La Cuisiniere Bourgeoise. Paris: 1769
Raffald, Elizabeth. The Experienced English Housekeeper. London: 1769
Taylor, E. The Lady's, housewife's, and Cookmaid's Assistant. Berwick: 1769
Borella. The court and country confectioner. London: 1770
Johnson, Mary. Madam Johnson's Present. Dublin: 1770 4th
Bertrand, Jean-Elie. Descriptions des arts et métiers… Paris: 1771
De Verstandige Kock 1771 [1669]
Smith, Eliza. The Compleat Housewife: Or, Accomplished gentlewoman’s Companion London: 1773
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1774
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1774
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1775
Valuable Secrets Concerning Arts and Trades. London: 1775
Mason, Charlotte. The Lady's Assistant... London: 1777 3d
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1778
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1780
La Varenne, Francois. Il cuoco francese ove viene... Venice: 1781
d'Aussy, Legrand. Histoire de la vie privée des Français… 3v.(bread) Paris: 1782
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1784
Buchan, W. Domestic Medicine. London. 1785
Kokebok. Manuscript cookbook. National Archives, Oslo, Norway: 1785
Raffald, Elizabeth. The Experienced English Housekeeper. London: 1786
Briggs, Richard. The English Art of Cookery. London: 1788
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1788
Frazer, Maciver [Susanna] Mrs. The practice of cookery. Edinburgh: 1791/1820
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. Dublin: 1791
Menon. La cuisinière bourgeoise. Marseille: 1791
Collingwood, Francis. The Universal Cook. London: 1792
Menon. La Cuisiniere Bourgeoise. Paris: 1793
Dizionario universale economico rustic… Rome: 1795 (Pan – bread)
Martin, Sarah. The New Experienced English Housekeeper. Doncaster: 1795
Glasse, Hannah. The Art of Cookery. London: 1796
Perkins, John. Every Woman her own House-keeper. London: 1796
Mrs. B.P. Benet, Lathrop Lodge, Swindon, Wilts. Her Book of Recipes from about 1796 manuscript
The London complete art of Cookery. London: 1797. [copied from Farley]
Williams, T. The Accomplished Housekeeper. London: 1797
Simmons, Amelia. American Cookery, 1798
Fisher, Lydia. The Prudent Housewife. London: ? 179-

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